ATMO 325
Extra Credit Project
This is an extra credit opportunity for all students and will in no way harm your grade. The project described below must be turned in no later than November 14, 2006. No exceptions to this deadline will be made.  You can earn between 0-5% points, which will be added to your final grade at the end of the semester depending upon how well your project is prepared.
Topic Pick an interesting weather event from the last 3-6 years like a hurricane, tornado outbreak, drought, heat wave, blizzard, flash flood, etc. You must provide references as to where you found a description of the event. Please check with the TAs to ensure that you have a valid topic.
Scope For the event chosen above, you must include the following in your report:
  1. A general description of the event.
  2. Effects on people, infrastructure, etc.
  3. Various weather maps and imagery from any of the sites below to help describe the weather conditions.
  1. Approximately 2-3 pages long (NOT including figures, graphs and pictures).
  2. Bibliography in a standard (e.g., MLA) format.
  3. Footnotes, endnotes, or parenthetical references should be used to cite your sources.
  4. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated, as it is a violation of the University Academic Integrity Code.
Daily Weather Maps
National Hurricane Center
Storm Prediction Center (severe weather, tornadoes, etc.)