Book Report
Jordan Bakva
X Hannah Bodie - Into Thin Air
(report due Fri., Nov. 17)
X Lizette Herrera - El
Nino (report due Mon. Oct. 30)
X Alexander King - Divine
Wind (report due Fri., Nov. 17)
X Joel Kreimeyer-Kelly -
Into Thin Air (report due Wed., Nov. 15)
X Kyle Mohr - Frozen
Earth (report due Mon. Oct. 16)
X Rosalind Reaume - Into
Thin Air (report due Wed. Oct. 11)
Shaylin Swensen
Ryan Trauscht - All About Lightning (report due by Fri., Nov. 17)
X Joseph Wall - Into Thin
Air (report due Wed. Oct. 18)
Merideth Wyman
X Luke Young - Into Thin Air
(report due Mon., Oct. 30)
Once you have decided on a title, you can check out a copy of the book
from the instructor. You then will have 3 weeks to read the book
(or some portion of the book) and complete your report. Your name
will turn blue when you have returned your book. An X in front of
your name means I have received your report.