Experiment #1 - Oxygen Content of the Air

X Stacy Abramson #M
X Seth Ampolsky #24
X Mike Armstrong #82
X Lars Baugh #C6
X Jason Baumer #60
X Kate Bedrick #90
X Katie Bokamper #68
X Jenny Castro #40
Alyssa Davis #18
X Trevor Diddell #76
X Matthew Enssle #C8

X Maddison Gan #26
X Jayme Grace #C5
X John Guffey #22
X Stephanie Johnson #A2
X Josh Kay #2
Alexander King #20
X SaeJoong Kim #86
Rishi Kumar H?
X Christian Lagarda #74
X Jessica Lapid #42
X Dylan LaRochelle #B8
X Erin Lee #A
X Kelly Leehey #A6
X William Leonard #14

X Jessica Mathers #D
X Kelly Miller #66

X Angela Montgomery #16   
X Margaret Nissen #C1

X Lauren Orlowski #30
X Sohui Park #6
X Jadie Philips #12
X Jared Priset #8
X Reginald #B6
X Alix Samansky #84
X Emily Stevens #4

X Irene Torres #C2
X Ryan Trauscht #88
X Christopher Vande-Stouwe #46
X Taylore Womble #C3
X Young Kook Yoon #28

X Scott Zingale #C10

Materials were in class on Fri., Aug. 25.  Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Reports were due on Monday Sept. 18.  An X in front of your name means I have received your report.

Graded reports were returned on Mon. Sept. 25.  You may revise your report, revisions are due on Mon. Oct. 9.  Please return your original report with your revised report.  You only need to redo sections where you want to earn additional credit.