Experiment #2 - Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice

X Daryl Anderson #24
X Josh Beroth #28
X Alicia Brady #A2
X Patrick Bray
Stephanie Brooks #6
X Doug Carroll #88
X Houfai Chio #2
X Cameo Cross #A2
X Mallory Deeny #A1
X Grant Denny #C5
X Astrid Duffy #B6
X Rachel Feinberg #A
X Frank Gaber #60
X Jose Garcia #10
X Jessica Gifford #30
X Sam Glicken #66
X Matthew Goodell #12
X Abigail Guerra #82
X Laura Hallstrom #12
X Kathryn Jensen #4
X Karta Khalsa #84
X Zane Major #C8
X Brittany Martell #20
X Peter McClintock #C10
X Jared Melillo #C6
X August Mendes #46
X Amanda Moritz #M
X Sam Najewicz #26
X Scotty Nugent #74

X Jeff Orzel #8
X Erica Quintana #B3
X Carlos Reyes #86
X Danielle Ringer #16
X Andrew Risdall #B8
X Joey Rohe #76
X Ramzi Samara #40
X Tom Schultz #B8
X Charlie Stanton #68
X Faisal Sufi #H
X Shaylin Swensen #42
Clint Wadlund #C3
X Amy Wilson #22
X Ajami Winfrey-Glende #A6

The materials were distributed for the first time on Friday Sep. 22.  Your report will be due Monday Oct. 9. 

The data collection won't take long.  Don't wait until the last minute, collect your data right away, return the materials, and pick up the supplementary information sheet.  Your name will turn blue when you have returned your materials.  An X in front of your name means I have received your report.

The graded reports were returned on Mon., Oct. 16.  Revised reports are due in two weeks on Mon., Oct. 30.  Please return your original report when you turn in a revised report. 
You only need to redo sections where you want to earn additional credit.