One Side of One Page (1S1P) Assignments Page

Assignment #3b
(due Tuesday Nov. 21)
points possible
4th edition
3rd edition

Atmospheric Optical Phenomena

pps 409-419 (Ch. 15)
pps 405-415

Assignment #3a
(due Thursday Nov. 16)
points possible
4th edition
3rd edition

Local Wind Systems

pps 170-181 (Ch. 7)
pps 168-178
up to, but not including, Global Winds
Global Wind Patterns, Ocean Currents, El Nino

pps 189-197 (Ch. 7)
pps 187-192

You may submit up to a total of 2 reports as part of this assignment.

Assignment #2a
(due Thursday Oct. 19)
points possible
4th edition
3rd edition

Atmospheric Stability*
15 + (4)w
p. 31 (Ch. 2)
pps 112-117 (Ch. 5)
p. 31 (Ch. 2)
pps 110-115 (Ch. 5)
Focus on a Special Topic box only
up to, but not including, Cloud
   Development & Stability
Rising and Sinking air
Four processes that cause air to rise
p. 31 (Ch. 2)
p. 118 (Ch. 5) Fig. 5.8
p. 31 (Ch. 2)
p. 116 (Ch. 5) Fig. 5.8
Focus on a Special Topic box only
put the figure into words
*  Your Topic #5 report should briefly explain why rising air cools; explain stable and unstable equilibria; explain the difference between environmental, dry, and moist lapse rates; and examine the conditions that make the atmosphere stable, unstable, and conditionally unstable.

w  You can earn an additional 4 points by correctly completing an atmospheric stability worksheet.  Here is a stability worksheet example.

Assignment #2b
(due Tuesday Oct. 24)
points possible
4th edition
3rd edition

Air Masses
pps. 202-212 (Ch. 8)

up to the Brief Review on p. 212
15 + (4)m
pps 212-219 (Ch. 8)

up to, but not including, Middle Latitude Cyclones
** You should concentrate on warm and cold fronts in your report.  You should describe the structure of warm and cold fronts and list the weather changes that would accompany the approach and passage of a warm and cold front.

m  You can earn an additional 4 points by correctly analyzing a surface weather map worksheet.  Here is a surface weather map analysis example.

Note (read this section carefully): You can submit a total of 0, 1, or 2 reports as part of this assignment.  You could turn in two Assignment #2a reports and no Assignment #2b reports or vice versa (no Assignment #2a reports and two Assignment #2b reports).  You could submit 1 report from Assignment #2a and one report from Assignment 2b (that would be a total of two reports and that is allowed).  You can't turn in two reports from Assignment #2a and then another report or two from Assignment #2b (that would be a total of 3 or 4 reports and you are only allowed to do a total of 2 reports).

Reports must be double spaced and fit on one side of one sheet of paper.  People sometimes submit a second page with just a sentence or two - that is a waste of paper.  You can fit that extra sentence onto the first page by adjusting the margins a little bit.

Assignment #1
(due Tuesday, Sep. 12)

points possible
4th edition
3rd edition

Ozone in the Stratosphere
The Ozone Hole
pps 325-327
p. 330
pps 321-323
p. 324
up to, but not including, Air Pollution: Trends and Patterns
The Earth's Changing Climate
pps 374-380
pps 372-376
up to, but not including, Possible Causes of Climate Change
Possible Causes of Climatic Change
pps 380-391
pps 376-387
up to, but not including, Global Warming
Global Warming
pps 391-399
pps 387-395

You can do 0, 1, or 2 reports.  Your report must be double spaced and must fit entirely on one side of one page.  A more complete set of rules and restrictions is given on the Writing Requirements page.  For Topics #3 and #4 please note whether you are using the 3rd or 4th edition of the text. 
Click here to see how grading of this assignment is proceeding and to learn more about how each of these topics was graded.