Experiment #3 - Solar Irradiance

X Kathleen Ackel #21
X Jessica Brown #81
X Emily Cooper #65
X Dana Craft #49
X William Day #3
X Alexandra Delgado #79
X April Gibson #61
X Rachelle Golding #7

X Jon Habert #91
X Jenna Hamberger #67
X Andrea Herrera #83
X Ashleigh Keller #23
X Mary Kompe #85
X Erin Kunces #1
X Shelly Larimore #45
X Kevin Murphy #43
X Ryan Nielson #63
X Will Robertson #47
Harrison Rawdin #69
X Stephanie Rushing #41
X Megan Silberstein #77
X David Simpson #9 (report due Nov. 7)
X Jillian Sitton #55

X Kati Stern #25
X Jennise Taylor #89
X Megan Thompson #27
X Megan Turnidge #71
X Christia Walters #11

Experiment materials were distributed in class on Thursday Oct. 12 (before Quiz #2).  Your report will be due on Tues., Oct. 31. 

Try to do this experiment on a clear day, with no wind, at midday (10 am to 2 pm is best).  Don't wait until the last minute, there is no guarantee the weather will cooperate.  Once you have collected your data, return the materials and pick up the supplementary information sheet (it will help a lot with the analysis portion of your report).  An X in front of your name means I have received your report.

Graded reports were returned on Tues., Nov. 14.  Revised reports are due Tue., Nov. 28.