Experiment #4 - Archimedes Law

X Cherisa Ard D+U
X Jessica Blaz D+U

X Hayley Garigan L+S
X Kelly Garigan A+X

X Danette Golis-Variano I+P
X Andrea Gonzalez C+Q
X Ryan Kiel G+K
X David Mahmoodi F+T

X David Moreno 31&32
X Alex Pecilunas J+R
X Cassandra Ramirez 37&40
X Blaine Todfield M+V
Francesca Tornambe B+E (report due Tue. Nov. 14)
X Chung-Wei Wang Y+Z

Experiment materials were distributed for the first time on Tues., Oct. 24.  Reports are due on Thurs. Nov. 9.

Collect your data as soon as you can.  Then return your materials and pick up the supplementary sheet. This will also free up the materials for someone else that might want (need) to do the experiment.  Your name will turn blue when you have returned the materials.  An X in front of your name means I have received your report.

Graded reports were returned on Tue., Nov. 14.  Revised reports are due on Tue., Nov. 28.