Tuesday, Aug. 22.

The first day of class.  We first briefly discussed the Course Information handout.  Note the various options you have for purchasing a copy of the course textbook.  You should try to purchase a copy of the photocopied notes right away as we will be using some of them in class on Thursday.

Jason Criscio, one of the TAs, will hold office hours Monday from 3-5 pm in PAS 526.  You can contact him at criscio@atmo.arizona.edu.  Christy King has not told me what her office hours will be yet.   The Physics and Atmospheric Sciences (PAS) Building is located on 4th St. about half way between Park and Highland Ave.

Next we looked at the Writing Requirements handout.  You should be thinking about which of the experiments (or book or scientific paper reports) you would like to do so that you can sign up in class on Thursday.  Distribution of the materials for the first experiment will probably begin next Tuesday (Aug. 29).

Your grade in this class will depend on your quiz scores, how much extra credit you earn, your writing grade, and (perhaps) your score on the final exam.  A sample grade report from the Spring 2006 NATS 101 class was shown.

This student didn't have a high enough average to get out of the final exam (about 15-20% of the class will).  Even though the student  had a low C average on the quizzes and earned a C on the final exam, extra credit and a high writing percentage grade raised the student's overall average to a B.

We spent the next part of class listing the five most abundant gases in the earth's atmosphere. You can read about this and more in the first few pages of the textbook (see the Reading Assignments link on the class web page). 

What is the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?  A few students were pretty sure they knew the answer, several others were pretty sure they did not.  A clear cold liquid was poured from a thermos into a styrofoam cup as a clue. 

The liquid (and the most abundant gas in the atmosphere) was nitrogen (you can fill in the blank above with the word nitrogen).  You can see liquid nitrogen.  Once it has evaporated and turned into a gas it is invisible. 

Oxygen is the second most abundant gas in the atmosphere.  Click here to see a photograph of some liquid oxygen (it has a faint bluish color).

The remaining three gases on the list are shown below

Water vapor and argon occupy 3rd and 4th place.  The variable concentration of water vapor means it is sometimes more abundant & sometimes less abundant than argon.

As you read through the first part of Chapter 1 in the text you will learn that the earth's original atmosphere was very different from today's atmosphere.  You will learn where our present atmosphere came from and how it evolved over time (in particular how oxygen was added to the atmosphere).  More on this topic at the end of today's notes.

You can see liquid water, just as was true with the liquid nitrogen.  Once water evaporates and forms water vapor it is invisible.  When you see steam, fog, or a cloud you are seeing small drops of liquid water or small ice crystals not water vapor.

Water plays an important role in the formation of clouds, storms, and weather.  Meteorologists are very interested in knowing how much water vapor is in the air at a particular time.  They often use the dew point temperature as a measure of water vapor amounts rather than percentage concentration.

The figure below gives a rough equivalence between dew point temperature and percentage concentration.

You can think of dew point as just being a number.  When the value is low the air doesn't contain much moisture.  The higher the dew point value, the more water vapor in the air.

We are currently in the middle of the summer thunderstorm season in Arizona and dew points are in the upper 50s and lower 60s (the summer monsoon begins officially in Tucson when the daily average dew point temperature is 54o F or above for three days in a row. 

Click here to see current dew point temperatures across the U.S.

Here are some other gases found in the earth's atmosphere that we will cover.  Most are found in very low concentrations but that doesn't mean they are not important.

Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide (N2O = laughing gas), chlorofluorocarbons, and ozone are greenhouse gases.  We will cover the greenhouse effect in more detail when we get to Chapter 2.  The "natural" greenhouse effect has a beneficial role on the earth.  Without the greenhouse effect average surface temperatures on the earth would be much colder than they are now.  Atmospheric concentrations of many greenhouse gases are increasing however.  This could enhance or strengthen the greenhouse effect and cause global warming which could have many detrimental effects.

Carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and sulfur dioxide are some of the main air pollutants.

Ozone in the stratosphere absorbs dangerous high energy ultraviolet (UV) light coming from the sun.  Without the protection of the ozone layer life as we know it would not exist on the surface of the earth.  Chlorofluorocarbons are of concern in the atmosphere because they destroy stratospheric ozone.

Our present atmosphere is composed mainly of nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, and argon.  The earth's original atmosphere was very different.

The earth's first atmosphere was composed of hydrogen and helium.  These light weight gases escaped into space and were lost.  The next atmosphere was built up of gases emitted during volcanic eruptions, mostly water vapor, carbon dioxide, and nitrogen.  As the earth began to cool the water vapor condensed and began to create oceans.  Carbon dioxide dissolved in the oceans and was slowly turned into rock.  Much of the nitrogen remained in the atmosphere.

Note the volcanoes didn't add oxygen to the atmosphere.

The oxygen is thought to have first come from photodissociation of water vapor and carbon dioxide by ultraviolet light (the high energy radiation splits the H20 and CO2 into pieces).  The O and OH react to form O2 and H.

Once O2 begins to accumulate in the air it can react with O to form ozone, O3; The ozone then begins to absorb ultraviolet light, life forms can move from the oceans (which would absorb UV light in the absence of ozone) onto land.  Eventually plants and photosynthesis would become the main source of atmospheric oxygen.