ATMO 336 – Section 001                     Name__________________________

Exam 2 – Fall 2006


**Write all of your answers on the answer sheets**


For questions 1 - 3, consider the following regions of the United States.  None of the answers are used more than once.   (1 point each)

(a)   West coast (California, Oregon, Washington)

(b)  Desert southwest (Arizona, New Mexico, southern Colorado, southern Utah)

(c)   Gulf coast (Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana)

(d)  Southern great plains (northeast Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas)


1.     Which area experiences the most thunderstorms per year?

2.     Which area experiences the least thunderstorms per year?

3.     Which area experiences the most violent tornadoes per year?


For each question 4-6, select the change that will act to make the atmosphere more unstable, i.e., increase the likelihood of thunderstorms.  (1 point each)

4.     (a) Warm the air in the lower troposphere (near the ground)

(b) Cool the air in the lower troposphere (near the ground)


5.     (a) Warm the air aloft (above 600 mb)

(b) Cool the air aloft (above 600 mb)


6.     (a) Add water vapor to the air in the lower troposphere (near the ground)

(b) Add water vapor to the air aloft (above 600 mb)


Multiple Choice  -- 2 points each

7.     Cloud-to-ground lightning is more common than in-cloud and cloud-to-cloud lightning.

(a)   True                       (b) False


8.     The inside of a car is a very dangerous place to seek shelter from lightning.

(a)   True                       (b) False


9.     Thunder is caused by the rapid heating of air that occurs in and near the lightning channel.

(a)   True                       (b) False


10.  There are documented cases of tornadoes that remain on the ground for over 6 hours and cause destruction along a path hundreds of miles long.

(a)   True                       (b) False


11.  More tornadoes occur in the United States than anywhere else in the world.

(a)   True                       (b) False


12.  A good place to seek shelter from a tornado is underneath a highway overpass (i.e., under a bridge that passes over a highway)

(a)   True                       (b) False

























Locate the points marked A-D on the 500 mb map above to answer questions 13-17


13.  Which of the labeled points (A-D) are located in a 500 mb ridge.  (Select all that apply)

(a)   A               (b) B                (c) C                (d) D


14.  At which point do you expect the air temperature at the surface to be the most below average?

(a)   A               (b) B                (c) C                (d) D


15.  At which point do you expect the best chance for precipitation at the surface?

(a)   A               (b) B                (c) C                (d) D


16.  At which point will the wind speed at 500 mb be the fastest?

(a)   A               (b) B                (c) C                (d) D


17.  What is the 500 mb wind direction at point C?  (Use the meteorological definition for wind direction).

(a)   South         (b) Southwest              (c) Northeast               (d) North


18.  The average 500 mb height over Tucson on October 28 is about 5780 m.  Using this information and the map above, which is the best temperature forecast for Tucson?

(a)   Much below average                                 (c) Near to slightly above average                 

(b)  Near to slightly below average                 (d) Much above average


19.  More people in the United States die each year from severe weather than die from traffic accidents and murders combined.

(a) True                       (b) False


20.  Hurricanes on average cause more property damage per year in the United States (in terms of dollar cost) than any other category of severe weather.

(a)   True                       (b) False


21.  Several years before Katrina struck, a New Orleans newspaper article warned about the possibility for a significant loss of life and societal chaos in the New Orleans area that would occur if residents failed to evacuate before getting hit by a major hurricane like Katrina.

(a)   True                       (b) False


22.  The ozone hole has caused a worldwide increase in the occurrence of skin cancer, especially in and near the tropics where ultraviolet exposure is greatest.

(a)   True                       (b) False


23.  It is common for weather front to provide the rising motion to “trigger” thunderstorm formation.  To assess the stability of the atmosphere and the potential for thunderstorms near a weather front, a meteorologist should lift surface parcels located on the ________ air mass side of the front.

(a)   warm                     (b) cold


24.  When we look at weather systems from above (using satellite imagery as was shown in class), we see swirling cloud motions in the middle latitudes that indicate winter-type storms.  These large storm systems rotate ___________ in the Northern Hemisphere.

(a)   clockwise              (b) counterclockwise


Multiple Choice -- 3 points each

25.  Strong vertical wind shear is a necessary ingredient in the formation of _______ .

(a)   severe thunderstorms and tornadoes

(b)  hurricanes

(c)   both (a) and (b)

(d)  neither (a) nor (b)


26.  A microburst is _______________ .

(a)   the beginning stage of a tornado

(b)  a small, localized area of frequent cloud to ground lightning

(c)   a burst of extremely heavy rain falling from a thunderstorm

(d)  a small, but very strong downdraft


27.  Much of the energy required to produce strong thunderstorm updrafts comes from _____ .

(a)   latent heat released when raindrops evaporate

(b)  latent heat released when water vapor in the air condenses

(c)   latent heat released when ocean water evaporates into the air


28.  If you see a lightning stroke and then 20 seconds later hear the thunder, the lightning is about ________ miles away.

(a) 2                (b) 4                (c) 5                (d) 10


29.  On average, clouds cover about _________ of the Earth’s surface.

(a)   20%           (b) 40 %          (c) 60%           (d) 80%


30.  In recent years, heat-related deaths have been increasing in the United States.  Which of the reasons given below should be considered “speculative” since it has not yet been scientifically proven?

(a)   The average age in the U.S. is increasing and older people are more susceptible to heat-related deaths.

(b)  The heat island effect – as urban areas become larger and more filled in with buildings, roads, and people, they become progressively warmer than the surrounding countryside resulting in more heat deaths in large U.S. cities.

(c)   In recent years, there has been a trend toward higher concentrations of poor and elderly people living near the centers of large urban areas where heat deaths are most common.

(d)  Global warming has caused heat waves to become more common and more severe than they were in the past.


31.  Based on the dates and average high temperatures given below for Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, select the day that has the greatest potential ultraviolet exposure.

(a)   June 15, average high temperature 78° F

(b)  July 15, average high temperature 85° F

(c)   August 15, average high temperature 81° F

(d)  September 15, average high temperature 72° F


32.  In Tucson, the sea level pressure that is plotted on surface weather maps is __________ than the air pressure measured with a barometer.

(a) always higher                    (b) always lower        

(c) sometimes higher and sometimes lower


33.  Throughout the Northern Hemisphere, a typical number of longwaves in the 500 mb pattern is _________.

(a)   5                            (b) 50                          (c) 500                        (d) 5000


34.  A large body of cold, dry air (say 1,000 square kilometers) that forms over northern Canada and then moves southward over the United States is called _________ .

(a)   a cyclone                                       (c) an air mass

(b)  an anticyclone                               (d) the polar front

Short Answer Questions – 8 points each

For each numbered question 1-4, select either (a) or (b)


1.      Select either (a) or (b).

(a)    What is a dome cloud in a thunderstorm (describing what it looks like is good enough)?  How is the dome cloud formed?  What does it indicate about the thunderstorm?

(b)    The characteristics of an individual thunderstorm depend on the atmospheric conditions present at the time the storm forms.  Consider conditions A and B below, which were measured just before a thunderstorm developed at each location.  Use this information to answer the questions below the table.


Atmospheric Condition (measured)

For Thunderstorm A

For Thunderstorm B

Air temp at ground level

85° F

95° F

Dewpoint temp at ground level

75° F

65° F

Air temperature at 500 mb

15° F

15° F


·        Which thunderstorm will have the lowest cloud base?  Provide a complete explanation with your answer.

·        Which thunderstorm is more likely to produce large hail?  Provide a complete explanation with your answer.

·        Which thunderstorm is more likely to produce strong downdraft winds and gust fronts?  Provide a complete explanation with your answer.


2.      Select either (a) or (b).

(a)    The very active 2004 and 2005 Atlantic hurricane seasons have caused many to wonder if there is a connection to global warming.  What is the simple argument (or basis for believing) that global warming will result in more and stronger hurricanes?  Is global warming the best explanation for the active 2004 and 2005 Atlantic hurricane seasons?  Explain you answer.


(b)    Many citizens of the United States are not aware of just how deadly heat waves can be.  Give three reasons why with a brief explanation for each.  (More than three reasons were provided in the NY Times article “Most Deadly of Natural Disasters: the Heat Wave”)


3.      Select either (a) or (b).

(a)     In years when winter snows are plentiful, ski resorts located at high altitudes in the western U.S. are often able to stay open through early June.  Late spring skiers often do not think to apply sunscreen and can get nasty sunburns.  Give three reasons why late spring skiers are at a high risk for getting sunburned.  Provide a brief explanation with each of the reasons you give.


(b)     Why should we worry about the amount of ozone in the stratosphere?  Briefly discuss how human activity has influenced the amount of ozone in the stratosphere.  What is the future outlook for ozone levels in the stratosphere?  Explain your answers.


4.      Select either (a) or (b).

(a)    On a 500 mb map, what do the numbers (labeled on the contour lines) represent?  In winter the average air temperature in the lower troposphere over the U.S. generally decreases (from north toward south) or (from south toward north)?  Choose one no explanation needed.  In winter the winds at 500 mb over the U.S. generally blow (from the west) or (from the east)?  Choose one no explanation needed.  Explain how this general temperature pattern in the lower troposphere results in the wind direction you selected.  You need to mention all the important forces that act on the air.


(b) Shown below is a portion of a sea level weather map.  What do the numbers (labeled contour lines) represent?  Based on the contour pattern, draw arrows at points A and B showing the wind direction.  To get full credit, you need to briefly explain how you determined the wind direction.  Does the wind pattern you drew below result in divergence, convergence, or neither for the region located between points A and B?   Will this force air to rise, to sink, or neither in a vertical air column located between points A and B?