ATMO 336 – Section 001                         Name__________________________

Exam 3 – Fall 2006


Matching Section – 1 point each

Match each numbered description with the corresponding lettered greenhouse gas


(a) Carbon dioxide (CO2)              (c) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) 

(b) Methane (CH4)                                    (d) Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6)


1.     Released during production and use of artificial fertilizers; has increased by 17% since 1750.

2.     Ozone-friendly CFC substitute; this gas has a very high 100 year global warming potential.

3.     Released mainly by burning fossil fuel and deforestation; has increased by 35% since 1750.

4.     Released during rice cultivation and cattle raising; has increased by 157% since 1750.


Match each numbered description with the corresponding lettered climatic period


            (a) Younger-Dryas                           (c) Medieval Warm Period

            (b) Little Ice Age                          (d) Holocene Maximum


5.     Period when Viking established agricultural colonies on Greenland.

6.     Most recent period listed above; ended around 1850.

7.     Warmest period since the end of the last ice age, approximately 5000 BC to 3000 BC.

8.     A cool period, most notable for how rapidly global average temperature fell at the beginning of the period and rose at the end of the period.


Multiple Choice  -- 2 points each

9.     Which of the following is true?

(a)   Your skin effectively holds in radiation to keep you warm.

(b)  Your body is continuously emitting infrared radiation.


10.  The greenhouse effect on Earth is ________  the greenhouse effect on the planet Venus.

(a) stronger than                            (b) weaker than


11.  With regard to the carbon cycle, respiration and decay by land-dwelling organisms is a __________ for carbon stored in the atmosphere.

(a)   source                   (b) sink


12.  Which of the following is most accurate?

(a)   The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today is probably very close to what is was during the Medieval Warm Period and slightly less than what it was during the Holocene Optimum.

(b)  The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today is probably higher than it has been at any time over the past several hundred thousand years.


13.  Which of the following is most accurate?

(a)   Climates around the Earth have fluctuated significantly throughout the written history of man with relatively warm periods and relatively cold periods.

(b)  Climates around the Earth have been remarkably constant throughout the written history of man, except the last 100 years where we have seen rapid global warming.

14.  According to most climate models, the recent warming (over the last 100 years) is largely caused by increased amounts of greenhouse gases due to human activity, rather than part of a natural climate fluctuation.

(a)   True                      (b) False


15.  Suppose over the next 100 years, global average cloud cover increases by 20%.  How would this change in cloud cover influence the global average surface temperature?

(a)   The change in cloud cover will act to increase global average surface temperature.

(b)  The change in cloud cover will act to decrease global average surface temperature.

(c)   The change in cloud cover may act to increase or decrease global average surface temperature, i.e., this question cannot be answered without additional information.


16.  Which of the following is most correct?

(a)   Modern humans lived through the last true Ice Age

(b)  Modern humans came into existence only after the climate warmed following the last true Ice Age


Multiple Choice -- 3 points each

17.  Seasons on Earth occur because _______________________ .

(a)   the Earth’s orbit around the sun is not circular, but elliptical, which causes the distance from the Earth to Sun to change during the year

(b)  the Earth’s axis of rotation is not perpendicular to the ecliptic plane

(c)   the Sun’s energy strikes the Earth’s surface most directly at the equator

(d)  the north pole has 6 months of daylight followed by 6 months of darkness


18.  On December 1, the solar declination is located at about 22° South latitude.  At which of the following locations is the noon-time sun closest to being directly overhead?

(a)   Tucson, Arizona (32˚ North latitude)

(b)  Perth, Australia (32˚ South latitude)

(c)   Galapagos Islands (0˚ latitude, Equator)

(d)  McMurdo Station, Antarctica (77˚ South latitude)


19.  On December 1, which of the following locations will have the greatest number of daylight hours?

(a)   Tucson, Arizona (32˚ North latitude)

(b)  Perth, Australia (32˚ South latitude)

(c)   Galapagos Islands (0˚ latitude, Equator)

(d)  McMurdo Station, Antarctica (77˚ South latitude)


20.  Materials with a high specific heat (like water) will _________ than materials with a low specific heat.

(a)   warm and cool more slowly      (c) warm more slowly, but cool more quickly

(b)  warm and cool more quickly      (d) warm more quickly, but cool more slowly


21.  Consider two inland cities located at the same latitude and far from the ocean.  One city sits on top of a mountain at 6000 ft above sea level, while the other city is only 1000 ft above sea level.  In general the mountain city will have _______________ .

(a)   Colder summers and colder winters      (c) Warmer summers and warmer winters

(b)  Colder summers and warmer winters      (d) Warmer summers and colder winters

22.  Which of the following provides excellent evidence that global warming is occurring due to humans adding greenhouse gases to the atmosphere?

                                          I.     This past summer season (2006) was the second warmest summer for the continental United States since 1860.

                                        II.     The 2005 Atlantic hurricane season set records for the most tropical storms, the most hurricanes, and the most major hurricanes to strike the US coastline.

(a)   I only      (b) II only      (c) Both I and II      (d) Neither I nor II


23.  The largest part of the radiation energy emitted from the Sun is which type of radiation?

(a)   Microwave      (b) Visible          (c) Infrared      (d) Ultraviolet


24.  Which two gases are the greatest contributors to the greenhouse effect on Earth?

(a)   carbon dioxide and water vapor      (c) carbon dioxide and CFCs

(b)  carbon dioxide and ozone        (d) carbon dioxide and methane


25.  On a percentage basis, the largest increase in the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere took place between _________ .

(a) 1900 and 1925            (b) 1925 and 1950            (c) 1950 and 1975            (d) 1975 and 2000


26.  The problem of the “missing carbon dioxide sink” is best described by which of the following statements?

(a)   There is less CO2 in the atmosphere than expected.

(b)  There is more CO2 in the atmosphere than expected.

(c)   The reserves of fossil fuels are less than expected.

(d)  The reserves of fossil fuels are greater than expected.


27.  Consider the following sequence of events:

n     The Earth’s surface temperatures cool down

n     More of the land surface becomes covered by snow

n     With more snow cover, the Earth’s surface absorbs less radiation energy from the Sun and temperatures cool further

This is an example of a ___________  process in the climate system.

(a)   negative feedback              (b) positive feedback


28.  Consider the following sequence of events:

n     Humans add greenhouse gases to the atmosphere

n     Surface temperature warms

n     The summer growing season is extended (longer) in the middle and high latitude regions of Earth

n     With the longer growing season, plants in the middle and high latitudes take in more carbon dioxide from the atmosphere

This is an example of a ___________ process in the climate system.

(a)   negative feedback              (b) positive feedback


29.  Most climate models predict that by the year 2100, the Earth’s global average temperature will increase somewhere in the range of _________ .

(a)   (1 – 4)° C         (b) (6 - 10)° C       (c) (10 – 15)° C      (d) (40 - 50)° C


30.  All of the climate changes listed below have been observed over the past century,     EXCEPT which one?

(a)   Sea level has risen between 4 and 10 inches

(b)  The number of hurricanes worldwide has increased

(c)   Northern Hemisphere snow cover has decreased

(d)  The Northern Hemisphere growing season at high latitudes has lengthened


31.  The global average temperature for the years 2001-2005 was __________ .

(a)   nearly the same as the global average temperature in the year 1901

(b)  most likely in the range 0.5° C to 1.0° C warmer than the global average temperature in the year 1901

(c)   most likely in the range from 3° C to 5° C warmer than the global average temperature in the year 1901

(d)  most likely in the range from 8° C to 12° C warmer than the global average temperature in the year 1901


32.  Consider the following:

·       1st OBSERVATION:  since 1860, the 12 warmest years in terms of global average temperature have occurred since 1990.

·       2nd OBSERVATION:  greenhouse gas concentrations are higher today than at any time since 1860, mainly due to fossil fuel burning and deforestation

·       CONCLUSION:  the above observations show that the warm conditions since 1990 have been totally caused by our emissions of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.


Which is the BEST interpretation of the above?

(a)  The first observation is incorrect, therefore the conclusion is flawed

(b)  The second observation is incorrect, therefore the conclusion is flawed

(c)  Both observations are correct, but the conclusion cannot be proven at this time

(d)  Both observations are correct and therefore the conclusion is correct


Short Answer Questions – 8 points each

For each numbered question 1-4, select either (a) or (b)


1.     Select either (a) or (b).

(a)   The daily temperature spread is defined as the difference between the high temperature and the low temperature on a given day.  Compared with most cities, does Tucson have a large daily temperature spread or a small daily temperature spread?  Give three reasons why and provide a brief explanation for each.  How does the daily temperature spread in San Diego compare with Tucson?  What is the single biggest reason for the difference between San Diego and Tucson?  No explanation required for your last answer.


(b)  One particular climate model predicts that the climate of the southeast Arizona and Tucson will become much “wetter” by the year 2060, where “wetter” means more water vapor in the air, more clouds, and more precipitation in 2060 compared to today.

                           I.     Discuss how this climate change may affect the daily high temperature in Tucson.  Give a brief explanation for each reason or point that you make.

                         II.     Discuss how this climate change may affect the daily low temperature in Tucson.  Give a brief explanation for each reason or point that you make.

2.     Select either (a) or (b).

(a)   Assume that the average temperature in the lower atmosphere (just above the ground) starts to increase.  Further assume that as the temperature rises, the average relative humidity in the lower atmosphere stays the same.  Under these conditions describe the water vapor feedback mechanism making sure to state whether it is a positive or negative feedback with respect to temperature changes near the ground.  Would your answer change if the average dew point temperature in the lower atmosphere stays the same instead of the relative humidity?


(b)  Describe how the global average temperature has changed between 1900 and today.  You should mention three specific time periods in your answer.  For each of the three time periods, indicate whether or not they support the claim that temperature changes since 1900 are directly related to the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  Briefly explain your answers.


3.     Select either (a) or (b).

(a)   An environmental group has recently proposed that the world set a goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions back down to what they were in 1990 by the year 2020.  A spokesperson for the group said that if this goal is met we will begin to see

§       A reduction in greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere by 2050, AND

§       A downward trend in global average temperature by 2050.


Explain why both of the spokesperson’s projections are seriously flawed.


(b)  One particular climate model predicts that the global average temperature will increase by 3° C by the year 2060 and that sea level will rise over one foot.  This same model projects that the climate of the southeast Arizona and Tucson will become much “wetter” by the year 2060, where “wetter” means more water vapor in the air, more clouds, and more precipitation in 2060 compared to today.  This is only 54 years into the future!  Based on the information provided by this particular climate model and what was discussed about climate models in lecture, discuss whether or not you think it would be wise for

                                I.     Countries with an ocean coast to begin to plan for sea level rise by doing things like relocating buildings in low-lying areas or constructing dikes.

                              II.     The city of Tucson to plan for this climate change by doing things like constructing more storm run-off drains or allowing more water usage (for things like new golf courses) in anticipation of the coming surplus.


4.     Select either (a) or (b).

(a)   What is haze? And what causes haze?  Briefly describe and explain two ways that haze can limit visibility.


(b)  Suppose you are outside watching the sunset and there are no clouds.  While the Sun is still above the horizon, explain why you see red when you look toward the direction of the Sun, but you see blue when you look up at the sky above your head.