ATMO336 - Outline for First Exam
Chapter 1: The atmosphere and the weather

1. Atmospheric composition:
most important atmospheric gases (constant and variable) and their significance;
relative concentration and chemical formula;
2. The Early Atmosphere
age of the atmosphere;
processes that lead to current concentration;
3. Structure of the atmosphere:
main layers;
importance and temperature distribution;
4. Water:
importance, phases, phase changes;
latent heat;
5. Water Vapor in the Atmosphere:
humidity, definitions;
humidity comparisons; saturation;
relative humidity, dew point temperature;
factors that influence evaporation;
6. Human Comfort:
the heat wave (article)
mechanisms of energy exchange
energy exchange between the body and the environment;
hypothermia and hyperthermia (symptoms, first aid);
indexes of heat and humidity; wind chill;
7. Air Pressure and Density:
definitions, variations with height;
Physiological responses to changes in pressure;
8. Surface Charts:
station pressure, sea-level pressure;
isobars, sea-level pressure charts;
pressure gradients;
9. Forces and Winds:
Newton's laws of motion;
forces that influence the winds (near the surface and away from it);
cyclones and anticyclones;
10. Clouds and Precipitation:
atmospheric stability;
clouds, formation processes;
classification; precipitation types; satellite imagery.

Chapter 2: Severe Weather

1. Remote sensing:
the weather satellite (uses, types);
the weather radar
2. Severe thunderstorms and tornadoes:
Frequency of thunderstorms and tornadoes (USA);
Damages, dangers
3. Tropical cyclones and hurricanes:
Areas of occurrence;
Damages, dangers;
4. Consequences of Severe Weather:
Arguments for normalized damages

Chapter 3: The Balanced Atmosphere

1. Budgets and cycles
2. Water and the hydrologic cycle
main reservoirs
processes that move and transform water from one
reservoir to another
3. The carbon cycle:
photosynthesis and respiration;
sources and sinks;
4. The ozone layer:
creation and destruction;
CFCs, the ozone hole (when and where);
5. Anthropogenic pollution:
main pollutants (primary and secondary);
sources, effects on health (respiration);
6. The earth's energy budget
radiation, conduction and convection;
solar and infrared radiation, sensible and latent heat;
7. The greenhouse effect
greenhouse gases; global warming potentials
the greenhouse effect (greenhouse effect vs. global warming)

Chapter 4: Climate and the General Circulation

1. What is climate
Definition, Differences between weather and climate
What factors affect a region's climate? Climate controls
2. Urban climate
Energy characteristics, observed climate of cities
urban heat island
3. General circulation of the atmosphere
Three cell model
names of surface winds and pressure systems
how does the general circulations determines climate
4. Causes of climate change
Feedback mechanisms
Milankovitch theory (eccentricity, precession, and obliquity)
changes in atmospheric composition

Chapter 5: Climate through human history

1. The Geological Time Scale
timing; relative duration
2. Reconstructing past climates
Instrumental records, historical and archaeological records
environmental indicators; oxygen isotope analysis
3. The climate of the Pleistocene
What drives glacial cycles; causes of glaciations
the end of the ice age world
4. Human evolution and climate
relative dates; climate forcing
5. The climate of the Holocene
the Younger-Dryas event, climatic optimum, little climatic optimum, the little Ice Age
the invention of agriculture
6. The climate of the 20th Century
the 20th century warming

Chapter 6: Modeling weather and climate

1. Climate models
Uses; their prediction of future climate
2. Global Warming
possible consequences;
Andrea Hahmann
Last modified: Mon Dec 16 13:15:21 MST 2002