Tutorial Codes

September 14

Coding examples of how to calculate monthly mean and standard deviation for precipitation data in Homework #3:

                Fortran code for ASCII data

                Fortran code for binary data

                C code for ASCII data

                C code for binary data

                GrADS script


Matlab map plotting routines (compressed file):  Courtesy Angel Otarola


September 17

Coding examples of how to randomize a sequence of integer numbers, for field significance test in Homework #3:

                Randomization routine in Fortran code 

                Randomization routine in C code

                Randomization routine in Matlab code


Additional routines to read in data for HW #3:

                Coding example of how to read data for HW #3 in Matlab

                (Courtesy Angel Otarola)    

                Second coding example of how to read data for HW #3 in Matlab

                (Courtesy Stephen Bieda III)


September 18

                Another randomization routine for Matlab

                (Courtesy Angel Otarola)    


                Map plotting source code for IDL (.pro file)

                Map plotting source code for IDL (.zip file)

                (Courtesy Nate Johnson)   


                Link to IDL randomization routine

                (Courtesy Nate Johnson)   


October 10

                SVD routine in C code

                SVD routine in Fortran code

                (From Numerical Recipes books)


October 11

                Link to Dennis Hartmann’s Matlab software library


October 19

                SVD with varimax rotation in C code

                SVD with varimax rotation in Fortran code


                Code for Matlab mapping toolbox

                (courtesy Stephen Bieda III)

                Link to Matlab GrADS toolbox

                (courtesy Mary Glueck)


October 31

                FFT code for C:  realft.c    four1.c

                FFT code for Fortran:  realft.f    four1.f

                (From Numerical Recipes books)












Objective Analysis in the Atmospheric and Related Sciences

MWF 2:00 P.M.—2:50 A.M. PAS 488

Objective Analysis in the Atmospheric

and Related Sciences

Fall Semester 2007

MWF 2:00 P.M.—2:50 P.M. PAS 488