Experiment #2 - Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice

X Stefanie Beale #52
X Jay Bills #84
X Rachel Brandt #82
X Jennifer Brown #12
X Craig Cheresposy #2
X Alan Crombie #B6
X Olivia Davidson #28
X Brad Dixon #40
X Michael Glore #80
X Elana Grossman #76
X Mallory Hawkins-
     Villagomez #74
X Max Karmia #98
X Emma Keilty #C10
X Jason Klotz #94
X Ysabel Kohler #62
X Justine Link #10
X Gabrielle Loeffler #38
X Mitch Luna #20
X Robert McCarthy #8
Nora McDonald (Expt 1 #26)
X Joe McGowan (Expt 1 #18)
X Callie Miller #68
Chong-Myoung Moon (Expt 1 #72)
X Angelique Motsinger #50
X Joshua Newcomer #4
X Ernesto Ortega #C8
X Rahul Pandit #22
X Max Penner #90
Samantha Porter (Expt1 #96)
Sean Powell #44
X Nicole Poyns #46
X Kevin Rapport #88
X Alex Roszkowski #B8
X Dominic Scharret #C2
X Kristin Schlarb #78
X Lauren Silka #36
X Jackie Sturniolo #56
X Melissa Thomas #64
X Cassie Tsighis #32
X Angelica Tucciarone #32
X Nicole Vera #14
X Jimmy Ware #70
X Barret Weidner #42
X Ashley Wells #60
X Wendelin Willis #24
X Thomas Zaleski #58

The materials were distributed for the first time on Wed., Sept. 19.  This experiment doesn't take very long to perform so why not collect your data now, return your materials (you can keep the styrofoam cup), and pick up the supplementary information sheet.  Your name will turn blue when you have returned the materials

Reports are due on Mon., Oct. 8.  An X in front of your name means I have received your report.