Experiment #3 - Solar Irradiance

X Aleena Astorga #66
X Andrew Axelband #40 (report due Wed. Nov. 7)
X Amina Dawi #42

Mike Dunlap #86
X Crystal Esham #44
X Samantha Fallon #52
X Samuel Florin #10
X Ari Frank #40
X Geoff Genrich #60
X Juan Gomez #4
X Erin Gray #46

John Hamilton #24
X Ryan Heinfeld #78
X Jeffrey Kettman #54
X Whitney Kukulka #90
X Ina Lee #54
X Hannah Massarat #82
X Tom McCarrick #48
X Michael Meier #8
X Kyle Paine #22
X Reid Pampe #50
X Danitza Pierson #4
X Britney Pignotti #80
X Rakesh Rao #92
X Jordan Ricca #6
X Kurt Ruppert #84
X Paul Sarna #2
X Lindsey Sasser #72
X Hannah Shim #17
X Erica Solis #74
X Cory Walter #62
X Kathryn Whitley #68
X Tzuyi Yeh #19 (report due Mon., Nov. 5)

The materials were distributed for the first time on Wed., Oct. 10.  You should perform this experiment at midday on a clear day with little or no wind.  Data collection will only take 30 to 45 minutes.  Don't wait until the last minute to collect your data (you never know what the weather will be like then), do the experiment now, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information sheet.  Your name will turn blue when you have returned your materials.

You'll find some additional information about the experiment here.

Reports are due on Monday, Oct. 29 unless otherwise noted above.