Experiment #1 - Percentage Oxygen Concentration in Air

X Erica Alvarado #7

X Jenna Beltrami #51
X Madison Bertenshaw#33
X Jessica Cagle #79
X SamanthaCammons#21
X Jarrod Carr #23
X Robert Covey #27
X John Danloe #37
X M. Dawoodbhoy#55
X RJ Delgado #B1
X Blake Dyer #13
X Kelly Fast #B5
X Marissa Feiwus #C1
Marcella Gonzales #B3
X Gunnthor Gudjonsson #43
X Justin Hendrix #77
X Holly Himebaugh #15
X Joe Jochen #19
X Alana Johnson #25
X Kristina Johnson #3
X Shana Johnson #39
X Sylvia Jolley #69
X Joseph Jones #11
X Justine Kelly #53
X Victor Lipscomb #83
X Jennifer Martin #17
X Aaron Munro #1
X Kevin Nadakal #35
X Tatum Owen #47
X Sang Hyun Park #65
X Lindsey Pierce #75
X Jonathan Sadhoo #C3
X Elias Small #57
Jordan Smith #41
X Jeff Solis #9
X Stephanie Swango #63
X Megan Terry #29

Materials were distributed for the first time in class on Thu., Aug. 23.  Check the online notes from Aug. 23 for some more information about the experiment.

Start the experiment at a time when you will be able to check it a few times at fairly frequent intervals (every hour or two).  You should start the experiment soon because it may take a few days to run to completion. 

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

An X in front of your name means I have received your report.

Reports are due on Tue., Sep. 18.