Experiment #4 - Archimedes Law

X Jenni Adishian (Expt. 3 #91)
X Badar Al-Lawati 19&30
    Kristen Allison 34&37
X Maria Calendo 6&17
X Tyler Chastain 6&17
X Ryan Daly 3&12
X Maya Epstein 6&17
X Jake Freeman 26&35
X Mike Getzler 22&23
X Aubrey Harter-Taylor 14&25
X Julia Jorden 31&32
X Dan Khuu (Expt. 3 #63)
X Aaron King 11&18
X Kyle Larmey 7&24
X Amanda Mathew 4&39
X Zach Messer 21&36
X Caitlin Nitta (Expt. 3 #79)
X Matthew Patruno (Expt. 3 #49)
X Elizabeth Reiter 15&20 (report due Tue. Nov. 20)
X Sean Robertson 9&40
X Keli Rosenfeld 33&38
X Arturo Santana 11&18
X Megan Shekleton 16&27
X Nick Taylor 9&40
X Joe Wagner 15&20
X Evan White 8&29

The materials were distributed for the first time on Thursday Oct. 25.  Collect your data as soon as you can, return the materials, and pick up a copy of the supplementary information sheet.  Your name will turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Reports are due Thursday Nov. 15 (unless otherwise indicated above).

* reports due by Tue., Nov. 27 if you wish to have a chance to revise your report.  Turning in your report before the Thanksgiving break would be appreciated.