NATS 101: The Earth and Its Environment |
One Side of One Page (1S1P) Assignments Page
Assignment #3: DUE on or before Nov. 26.
Please refer to Writing Requirements link for details on how to do this report.
You can do 0, 1 or 2 of these reports. Remember, they must fit on a single side of a single 8”x11” page. If you type it, it must be double spaced. No fonts smaller than 11. You can also handwrite it. Remember to include the most important points, and keep the “thread” that strings the section together.
Assignment #2: DUE on or before Oct. 24.
Please refer to Writing Requirements link for details on how to do this report.
You can do 0, 1 or 2 of these reports. Remember, they must fit on a single side of a single 8”x11” page. If you type it, it must be double spaced. No fonts smaller than 11. You can also handwrite it. Remember to include the most important points, and keep the “thread” that strings the section together.
Assignment #1: DUE on or before Sep. 21.
Please refer to Writing Requirements link for details on how to do this report.
You can do 0, 1 or 2 of these reports. Remember, they must fit on a single side of a single 8”x11” page. If you type it, it must be double spaced. No fonts smaller than 11. You can also handwrite it. Remember to include the most important points, and keep the “thread” that strings the section together.
You can opt for one of your reports to base it on a NOVA TV show. The NOVA special “Dimming the Sun” (NOT “Saved by the Sun”) is being shown on our local Channel 6 PBS station, KUAT at 8PM on Tuesday Sep 4, and (for you night owls) at 2AM early the next morning. Double check these times — I might be wrong. If you opt to do the TV show, you may want to take notes and watch it multiple times to make sure you understand everything in it. I will grade it just as if it were part of the book. |
Section 33: Introduction to Weather and Climate Instructor: Prof. William C. Conant |
MWF 1:00-1:50 PM |
Topic |
Pages (5th edition) |
Details |
Points |
“Dimming the Sun” (PBS, 8PM, Sep. 4) |
TV |
15 |
Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere |
8-13 |
up to “Weather and Climate” |
12 |
Incoming Solar Radiation |
40-51 |
Don’t include “Aurora”, but do include “Dec 21” insert |
15 |
The Earth’s Changing Climate |
384-390 |
Include “Ocean Conveyer” |
15 |
Topic |
Pages (5th edition) |
Details |
Points |
Atmospheric Stability and Cloud Development |
112-120 |
From start of Chap 5 up to (not including) Precipitation |
15 |
Temperature Variations |
63-75 |
From “Air Temperature Data” up to “Summary”. You may include insets. |
15 |
Humidity |
87-96 |
From “Relative Humidity and Human Discomfort” up to “Brief Review” |
15 |
Topic |
Pages (5th edition) |
Details |
Points |
Atmospheric Optics |
416-429 |
Up to but not including “Rainbows”. Don’t include Fata Morgana |
15 |
Air Masses |
204-214 |
up to “Fronts” |
15 |
Fronts |
214-222 |
Up to “Mid-Latitude Cyclones” |
12 |