NATS 101

Lecture 16
NewtonÕs Laws of Motion
Upper-Air Winds

Supplemental References for TodayÕs Lecture
Gedzelman, S. D., 1980: The Science and Wonders of the Atmosphere. 535 pp. John-Wiley & Sons. (ISBN 0-471-02972-6)

Slide 3
Do Rocks Always Roll Downhill?
NewtonÕs Laws of Motion
NewtonÕs 1st Law
An object at rest will remain at rest and an object in motion will remain at a constant velocity (same speed and same direction) if the net force exerted on it is zero
An external force is required to speed up, slow down, or change the direction of air

NewtonÕs Laws of Motion
NewtonÕs 2nd Law
The net force exerted on an object equals its mass times its acceleration
Sum of All Forces = Mass « Acceleration
Acceleration = Velocity Change / Time
Acceleration = Change in Either Speed                 or Direction

Velocity, Acceleration and Force are Vectors
Size and Direction

Uniform, Circular Motion Requires Acceleration
Accelerated Frame of Reference
You are glued to carÕs floor and drop an egg.
What happens if the car begins to accelerate?

Life on a Rotating Platform
From perspective of person not on merry-go-round, path of ball is straight.
From perspective of person on merry-go-round, path of ball deflects to left. There is an apparent force.

EarthÕs Rotation
Ball Appears to Deflect to the Right of the Observer
Ball Appears to Go Straight
Deflection Depends on Orientation of Axis of Rotation and Velocity
Coriolis Force Varies with Latitude
Geostrophic Adjustment
Parcel at rest initially accelerates toward lower pressure.
Coriolis Force rotates parcel to right in NH.
As parcel speeds up, Coriolis Force increases.
Eventually (about a day),      PGF equals CF and flow is parallel to isobars.

Geostrophic Balance
Geostrophic Balance
Slide 19
Slide 20
Key Concepts for Today
Rotation of Earth
Accelerated Frame of Reference
Introduce Coriolis ÒForceÓ
Apparent Force to Account for Deflection Depends on Rotation, Latitude, Wind Speed
Geostrophic Balance and Wind
Balance Between PGF and Coriolis Force Geostrophic Wind Blows Parallel to Contours About One Day Required to Reach Balance

Assignment for Next Lecture
Topic – Centripetal force due to curved flow
Frictional force near the ground
Reading - Ahrens pg 155-158
Problems - 6.23, 24 (24,25)