NATS 101 Lecture 32 Climate Change (contŐd) |
Outline |
Slide 3 |
Slide 4 |
Slide 5 |
Slide 6 |
IPCC 2007 Report on Climate |
Nobel Peace Prize |
GLOBAL Energy Flow Thru Atmosphere |
Global Atmo Energy Balance |
The Natural Greenhouse Effect: clear sky |
Changing CO2 concentrations |
Global Atmo Energy Imbalance |
Radiative Forcing (RF)
Components {Global-average estimates and ranges; typical geographical extent and assessed level of scientific understanding} |
Stefan-BoltzmannŐs Law (review from Lecture 5) |
Change in IR Emission to Space |
Change in IR Emission to Space |
Change in IR Emission to Space (contŐd) |
Anthropogenically-Caused Warming |
Complexity of Climate System |
Closer Look at Climate System |
Climate Feedback Mechanisms |
Positive and Negative Feedbacks |
Positive and Negative Feedbacks |
Positive and Negative Feedbacks |
Complexities of GHG caused Warming |
SVP and Temperature (from Lecture 9) |
Water vapor increase at higher temperatures |
The Natural Greenhouse Effect: clear sky |
Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Trends |
Observational Evidence of Water Vapor Feedback |
Land surface temperatures are rising faster than SSTs |
Slide 33 |
Snow cover and Arctic sea ice are decreasing |
Slide 35 |
Sea level is rising: |
Slide 37 |
Slide 38 |
Surface melt on Greenland |
Greenland ice mass budget |
Key Points: Climate Change |
Key Points: Climate Change |
Assignment for Next Lectures |