NATS 101

Lecture 32

Climate Change (contŐd)
Slide 3
Slide 4
Slide 5
Slide 6
IPCC 2007 Report on Climate
Nobel Peace Prize
GLOBAL Energy Flow Thru Atmosphere
Global Atmo Energy Balance
The Natural Greenhouse Effect: clear sky
Changing CO2 concentrations
Global Atmo Energy Imbalance
Radiative Forcing (RF) Components
{Global-average estimates and ranges; typical geographical
extent and assessed level of scientific understanding}
Stefan-BoltzmannŐs Law
(review from Lecture 5)
Change in IR Emission to Space
Change in IR Emission to Space
Change in IR Emission to Space (contŐd)
Anthropogenically-Caused Warming
Complexity of Climate System
Closer Look at Climate System
Climate Feedback Mechanisms
Positive and Negative Feedbacks
Positive and Negative Feedbacks
Positive and Negative Feedbacks
Complexities of GHG caused Warming
SVP and Temperature (from Lecture 9)
Water vapor increase at higher temperatures
The Natural Greenhouse Effect: clear sky
Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor Trends
Observational Evidence of Water Vapor Feedback
Land surface temperatures are rising faster than SSTs
Slide 33
Snow cover and Arctic sea ice are decreasing
Slide 35
Sea level is rising:
Slide 37
Slide 38
Surface melt on Greenland
Greenland ice mass budget
Key Points: Climate Change
Key Points: Climate Change
Assignment for Next Lectures