NATS 101

Lecture 33

Climate Change (contŐd)
The Natural Greenhouse Effect: clear sky
Slide 3
Global Warming Potential (GWP)
Different gases has different warming potentials which are defined relative to the warming effect of CO2

Changing CO2 concentrations
Slide 6
Increasing CO2 concentrations
Predictions of increased CO2 & Temperature
Missing Carbon Sink
CO2 is accumulating in the atmosphere more slowly than expected (believe it or not)
Based on our understanding of CO2 emissions and ocean and atmosphere uptake, there is a missing sink/uptake of about 25%

Ocean Carbon Uptake
Ocean Uptake of CO2
SciAm article

The Oceans & Global Change
Slide 13
Ocean Transport of Heat
3D ŇConveyor BeltÓ Concept
Potential Changes Related to the Ocean
Change in Thermohaline Circulation
Change in Ocean Chemistry
Ocean Acidification    (SciAm article)
Currently ~1/3 of CO2 released by burning fossil fuels ends up in the ocean.
Absorbed CO2 forms carbonic acid in seawater, lowering the slightly alkaline pH level, changing the balance of carbonate & bicarbonate ions.
Shift toward acidity & ensuing changes in ocean chemistry, make it more difficult for creatures to build hard parts out of calcium carbonate.
Decline in pH thus threatens a variety of organisms, including corals, which provide one of the richest habitats on earth.
Within a century, Southern Ocean surface will be corrosive to shells of tiny snails key in the marine food chain within this highly productive zone.

Sea level is rising:
Observed Ocean Warming
Most oceans are warming
Figures from Hansen et al 2006

Slide 22
Slide 23
Slide 24
Slide 25
Slide 26
Slide 27
Surface melt on Greenland
Greenland ice mass budget
Snow cover and Arctic sea ice are decreasing
Slide 31
Land surface temperatures are rising faster than SSTs
Slide 33
Water vapor increase at higher temperatures
Slide 35
Slide 36
Slide 37
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Slide 39
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Slide 43
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Slide 45