NATS 101

Lecture 5

Any object that has a temperature greater than 0 K, emits radiation.
This radiation is in the form of electromagnetic waves, produced by the acceleration of electric charges.
These waves donŐt need matter in order to propagate; they move at the Ňspeed of lightÓ (3x105 km/sec) in a vacuum.

Electromagnetic Waves
Two important aspects of waves are:
What kind: Wavelength or distance between peaks.
How much: Amplitude or distance between peaks and valleys.

Why Electromagnetic Waves?
Radiation has an Electric Field Component and a Magnetic Field Component
Electric Field is Perpendicular to Magnetic Field

Can also think of radiation as individual packets of energy or PHOTONS.
In simplistic terms, radiation with
shorter wavelengths corresponds to photons with more energy and
higher wave amplitude to more BBŐs per second

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Emitted Spectrum
Emitted Spectrum
WienŐs Law
The hotter the object, the shorter the brightest wavelength.

WienŐs Law
Relates the wavelength of maximum emission to the temperature of mass
lMAX= (0.29«104 mm K) « T-1
Warmer Objects => Shorter Wavelengths
Sun-visible light
lMAX= (0.29«104 mm K)«(5800 K)-1 @ 0.5 mm
Earth-infrared radiation
lMAX= (0.29«104 mm K)«(290 K)-1 @ 10 mm

WienŐs Law
What is the radiative temperature of an incandescent bulb whose wavelength of maximum emission is near 1.0 mm ?
Apply WienŐs Law:
lMAX= (0.29«104 mm K) « T-1
Temperature of glowing tungsten filament
T= (0.29«104 mm K)«(lMAX)-1
T= (0.29«104 mm K)«(1.0 mm)-1 @ 2900K

Stefan-BoltzmannŐs (SB) Law
The hotter the object, the more radiation emitted.
When the temperature is doubled, the emitted energy increases by a factor of 16!
Stefan-BoltzmannŐs Law
E= (5.67«10-8 Wm-2K-4 )«T4
  4 times

How Much More Energy is Emitted by the Sun per m2 Than the Earth?
Apply Stefan-Boltzman Law
The Sun Emits 160,000 Times More Energy per m2 than the Earth,
Plus Its Area is Mucho Bigger (by a factor of 10,000)!

Radiative Equilibrium
Radiation absorbed by an object increases the energy of the object.
Increased energy causes temperature to increase (warming).
Radiation emitted by an object decreases the energy of the object.
Decreased energy causes temperature to decrease (cooling).

Radiative Equilibrium (cont.)
When the energy absorbed equals energy emitted, this is called Radiative Equilibrium.
The corresponding temperature is the Radiative Equilibrium Temperature.

Modes of Heat Transfer
Key Points
Radiation is emitted from all objects that have temperatures warmer than absolute zero (0 K).
WienŐs Law: wavelength of maximum emission
lMAX= (0.29«104 mm K) « T-1
Stefan-Boltzmann Law: total energy emission
E= (5.67«10-8 W/m2 ) « T4

Key Points
Radiative equilibrium and temperature
Energy In = Energy Out (Eq. Temp.)
Three modes of heat transfer due to temperature differences.
Conduction: molecule-to-molecule
Convection: fluid motion
Radiation: electromagnetic waves

Reading Assignment
Pages 34-42
Problems 2.10, 2.11, 2.12