NATS 101

Lecture 6
Greenhouse Effect and Earth-Atmo Energy Balance

Review Items
Heat Transfer
Latent Heat
WienÕs Displacement Law Ramifications
Stefan-Boltzman Law Ramifications

New Business
Selective Absorption and Emission
Earth-Atmo Energy Balance

Modes of Heat Transfer
Latent Heat Take 2
General Laws of Radiation
All objects above 0 K emit radiant energy
Hotter objects radiate more energy per unit area than colder objects, result of Stefan-Boltzman Law
The hotter the radiating body, the shorter the wavelength of maximum radiation, result of  WienÕs Displacement Law
Objects that are good absorbers of radiation are also good emittersÉtodayÕs lecture!

SunÕs Radiation Spectrum
Sun - Earth Radiation Spectra
What is Radiative Temperature of Sun if Max Emission Occurs at 0.5 mm?
Apply WienÕs Displacement Law

How Much More Energy is Emitted by the Sun than the Earth?
Apply Stefan-Boltzman Law

Radiative Equilibrium
Radiation absorbed by an object increases the energy of the object.
Increased energy causes temperature to increase (warming).
Radiation emitted by an object decreases the energy of the object.
Decreased energy causes temperature to decrease (cooling).

Radiative Equilibrium (cont.)
When the energy absorbed equals energy emitted, this is called Radiative Equilibrium.
The corresponding temperature is the Radiative Equilibrium Temperature.

Why Selective, Discrete Absorption/Emission?
Life as we perceive it:    A continuous world!
Atomic perspective:       A quantum world!

Energy States for Atoms
Electrons can orbit in only permitted states
A state corresponds to specific energy level
Only quantum jumps between states
Intervals correspond to specific wavelengths

Energy States for Molecules
Molecules can also         rotate, vibrate, librate
But only at           specific energy levels or frequencies
Quantum intervals between modes correspond to   specific wavelengths

Selective Absorption
The Bottom Line
Each molecule has a unique distribution of quantum states!
Each molecule has a unique spectrum of absorption and emission frequencies of radiation!

Visible (0.4-0.7 mm) is absorbed very little
O2 an O3 absorb UV (shorter than 0.3 mm)
Infrared (5-20 mm) is selectively absorbed
H2O & CO2 are strong absorbers of IR
Little absorption of IR around 10 mm – atmospheric window

Total Atmospheric Absorption
Visible radiation (0.4-0.7 mm) is not absorbed
Infrared radiation (5-20 mm) is selectively absorbed, but there is an emission window at 10 mm

Simple Example of the Greenhouse Effect
(0% Solar absorbed, 100% IR absorbed)
Global Solar Radiation Balance     (Not all Solar Radiation SR reaches the surface)
Atmosphere Heated from Below
Global Atmo Energy Balance
Greenhouse Effect (A Misnomer)
SFC Warmer than Rad. Equil. Temp
Reason: selective absorption of air
H2O and CO2 most absorbent of IR
Energy Balance
Complex system has a delicate balance
All modes of Heat Transfer are important

Assignments for Next Lectures
Ahrens (next lecture)
Pages 42-50
Problems 2.15, 2.16, 2.18