References for TodayÕs
¥Aguado, E. and J. E. Burt, 2001: Understanding Weather & Climate,
2nd Ed. 505
pp. Prentice Hall. (ISBN 0-13-027394-5)
¥Danielson, E. W., J. Levin and E.
Abrams, 1998: Meteorology. 462 pp. McGraw-Hill.
(ISBN 0-697-21711-6)
¥Gedzelman, S. D., 1980: The Science and Wonders of the
Atmosphere. 535 pp.
John-Wiley & Sons. (ISBN 0-471-02972-6)
¥Lutgens, F. K. and E. J. Tarbuck, 2001: The Atmosphere, An Intro-duction
to the Atmosphere, 8th Ed.
484 pp. Prentice Hall. (ISBN
¥Wallace, J. M. and P. V. Hobbs, 1977: Atmospheric Science, An Introductory
Survey. 467 pp.
Academic Press. (ISBN 0-12-732950-1)