NATS 101

Lecture 9
Atmospheric Moisture

Hydrological Cycle
Humid Air
Humid air is a mixture of molecules that make up dry air (mostly N2 and O2) and lighter water vapor (H2O) molecules.
Each type of molecule contributes a fraction of total air pressure, or a partial pressure, proportional to the number molecules per unit volume. The partial pressure of water vapor is termed the vapor pressure.

Saturation Vapor Pressure
The partial vapor pressure at which the rate of evaporation equals the rate of condensation in a closed system is called the saturation vapor pressure or SVP. The SVP effectively denotes the maximum water vapor that air the can ŇholdÓ.
SVP depends strongly on temperature.
Vapor pressure and SVP provide a measure of the actual water vapor content and the airŐs potential capacity, respectively.

Slide 5
SVP and Temperature
SVP nearly doubles with a 10oC warming
SVP and T Graph
Supercooled water droplets can exist to temps of -40oC
For temps below 0oC, SVP runs 10%-30% lower over ice

Relative Humidity
Air with a RH=100% is said to be saturated.
RH depends on air temperature (SVP).
RH changes by either changing airŐs water vapor content or the airŐs temperature.

Relative Humidity
Relative Humidity
(Ahrens, Appendix B)
Consider air that is saturated at 0oC
Temp VP   SVP RH
  0oC 6 mb   6 mb 100%
10oC 6 mb 12 mb 50%
20oC 6 mb 23 mb 28%
30oC 6 mb 42 mb 14%
40oC 6 mb 68 mb    9%

Other Measures of Humidity
Dew Point
DP-temperature to which air must be cooled at constant pressure to become saturated. Higher DP Þ Higher water vapor content.
DP is a good indicator of the actual water vapor content since air pressures vary very little along the earthŐs surface.
DP is plotted on surface weather maps.
DP depression (Temp-DP) is plotted aloft.

Arizona Dew Point Ranges
Vapor Pressure Dew Point
24 mb 20oC
12 mb 10oC
  6 mb    0oC
    3 mb -10oC

Wet Bulb Temperature
Wet Bulb Temp -Lowest temp to which air can be cooled by evaporation of water into it.
Warmer than dew point since moisture is being added to air which raises dew point.
Measured with sling psychrometer.

Wet Bulb Temperature
(Ahrens, Appendix D)
Wet bulb temperature lies about 30% of the way from the dew point to the temperature
Application-Wet bulb temp gives maximum possible efficiency for a swamp cooler
  Month MAX Dew P Wet Bulb June 100oF 37oF    65oF       July 100oF 63oF    75oF

Heat Index
Humid Air is Less Dense
Slide 17
Summary: Moisture
Water vapor comes from the evaporation of sea water and resides in atmo. for ~1 week.
Air has a saturation level for water vapor
Saturation level depends on air temperature
Humid air is less dense than dry air
Water vapor content can be quantified by         RH, dew point temp, wet bulb temp

Assignment for Next Lecture
Topic - Cloud and Fog Formation
Reading - Ahrens pages 89-96
Problems - 4.3, 4.13, 4.14, 4.15