Correct answers are in RED


1.       What are the 2 most abundant gases in the atmosphere

a. oxygen, nitrogen                                    b. oxygen, water vapor           

c. carbon dioxide, methane                        d. nitrogen, carbon dioxide


2.       Connect the gas to the symbol  (These have now been aligned)


                 (molecular) oxygen                              O2

                (molecular) nitrogen                              N2

                         carbon dioxide                              CO2

                                       water                              H2O

                                       ozone                              O3

3.       Which gasŐ concentration varies the most from place to place

a. oxygen                  b. water vapor             c. nitrogen                   d. argon


4.       Which molecule in the atmosphere protects surface creatures from UV radiation

a. oxygen                  b. water vapor             c. nitrogen                   d. ozone


5.       Where is most of this molecule located?

a. troposphere           b. stratosphere             c. mesosphere              d. thermosphere


6.       Which are the two most important greenhouse gases in the atmosphere

a. oxygen, nitrogen                                       b. oxygen, water vapor           

c. carbon dioxide, water vapor                     d. nitrogen, carbon dioxide


7.       Which greenhouse gas concentration has been increasing due to fossil fuel burning?

a. oxygen                  b. nitrogen                   c. water vapor              d. carbon dioxide        


8.              Temperature conversion: 40oC is

a. 40 oF         b.72oF             c. 80oF             e. 90oF             f. 104oF


9.       What is 40oC in Kelvin (K)?

a. 273           b. 213              c. 313              d. 333              e. 104


10.    What is the approximate standard atmospheric pressure at sea level in millibars?

a. 1000         b. 14.7             c. 100              d. 29


11.    Approximately 25% of the atmosphere is above 11 km altitude.  Therefore what is the approximate atmospheric pressure at 11 km altitude?

a. 1000 mb               b. 750 mb        c. 500 mb        d. 250 mb


12.    In what layer of the atmosphere does weather occur?

a. troposphere        b. stratosphere             c. mesosphere              d. thermosphere


Use the map figure to the right to answer questions 13-18


13.    What is the sea level surface pressure (in mb)     998.7

14.    What is the surface air temperature (in oF)           31                   


15.    What is the surface air dew point (in oF)             26


16.    The approximate wind direction is

a. southeasterly           b. northwesterly          c. southerly                d. westerly


17.    What is the wind speed (in knots)?

a. 0               b. 10                c. 15                d. 20


18.    Approximately what fraction of the sky is covered with clouds?

a. none                      b. 1/4               c. 1/2               d. 4/4



19.    In the figure above, the weather front across New Mexico and Texas is a

a. cold front              b. warm front              c. stationary front        d. occluded front




20.    Connect the following types of Heat transfer with the descriptions  (have been aligned)


When two objects touch, heat is transferred from the hot object to the cold object.


Hot air rises, cold air sinks, transferring heat upward

Latent heat                  

Where water vapor condenses into a cloud, the atmosphere is warmed.


Transfer of energy from a (red hot) campfire to people sitting around the campfire.


21.    Which state of water is less ordered and more energetic?

a. water ice                  b. liquid water             c. water vapor


22.    If we increase the absolute temperature of an object by a factor of 10, the radiation energy emitted from the object increases by a factor of

a. 10             b. 100              c. 1,000                       d. 10,000


Short Answers

23.    Briefly explain how weather differs from climate









Extra credit


24.    Explain how average daytime temperatures in Tucson are higher in June than in July, but July is the hottest month in Tucson.









25.    The pressure in the figure for questions 12-18 is from Flagstaff which is approximately 2 km above sea level. Is the reported pressure the actual pressure one would measure at Flagstaff or that pressure converted to sea level altitude?  Why?







1.         a          b          c          d 

2.         a          b          c          d 

3.         a          b          c          d

4.         a          b          c          d

5.         a          b          c          d

6.         a          b          c          d

7.         a          b          c          d

8.         a          b          c          d

9.         a          b          c          d

10.       a          b          c          d 

11.       a          b          c          d 

12.       a          b          c          d 

13.       a          b          c          d

14.       a          b          c          d

15.       a          b          c          d

16.       a          b          c          d

17.       a          b          c          d

18.       a          b          c          d

19.       a          b          c          d

20.       a          b          c          d 

21.       a          b          c          d 

22.       a          b          c          d