NATS101 section 34 Quiz 6 Review Material
Topics covered: Cyclogenesis,
Forecasting, Thunderstorms, Lightning, Tornadoes
Understand Figure 8.19 (8.23)
Types of fronts
Role of short waves in initializing mid-latitude cyclones
Understand the simple types of
forecasts: persistence, climatology, analogy and trend
Understand the 3 phases of weather forecasting
What is an analysis?
Why computer
generated forecasts alone are insufficient and humans must interpret the
Know what accuracy and skill mean
What limits forecast accuracy?
The difference between a ÒwarningÓ and a ÒwatchÓ
Two types of weather satellites and their similarities and
Make sure you can determine from the
ENSO3.4 index which phase ENSO is in (El Nino, La Nina or normal)
Types of thunderstorms and the differences in behavior
Conditions conducive to severe thunderstorm formation
Roles of updrafts, downdrafts and wind shear
What is conditional instability?
Flash floods
Charge separation in the cumulonimbus cloud
Lightning statistics:
where it occurs, how close it can come to you
Lightning safety
The role of the National Lightning Detection Network
Tornado intensity scale
How tornadoes form
Tornado statistics:
where do they form, what types of tornadoes cause the most deaths
US Deaths by type of weather event