Friday Nov. 7, 2008
click here to download today's notes in Microsoft WORD format.

Today's song was "Dancing".  It was sung by an Italian singer Elisa (Elisa Toffoli).  We saw her singing with Andrea Bocelli earlier in the semester.

Quiz #3 has been graded and was returned in class today.  Please check your quiz carefully for mistakes.

In the game of Survivor the object is to "outwit, outplay, and outlast" your opponents.  That applies in some respects at this point in NATS 101.  The semester is quickly coming to an end.

For the purposes of allowing you plan ahead I announced by intention to cancel class on Wednesday Nov. 26, the day before Thanksgiving. 

The last of the 1S1P reports are most likely going to be due on Monday Nov. 24, the Monday before Thanksgiving.  Late reports won't be accepted this time (or we won't get them graded), so if you aren't going to be in class or in town on Nov. 24, you should plan to finish and turn in your report(s) early.  1S1P Assignment #3 will appear online early next week (probably before class on Monday).

The final exam for this class is on Friday Dec. 12, just two days after the last day of classes.  That might be a little too soon for some of you.  You will have the option of taking the exam with the other section of the class on Thursday Dec. 18.  More about that as we get closer to the final.

Finally,  there is a link to a hidden optional assignment somewhere in today's notes.  Look everywhere (follow all the links below), it is pretty well hidden.

Today we will be learning about why upper level and surface winds blow the way they do.  I didn't do a very good job of explaining why we would be doing this - I'll try to make that clearer in class on Monday.

Upper level winds spinning around high and low pressure in the northern and southern hemispheres are shown in the first set of four pictures.  The first thing to notice is that upper level winds blow parallel to the contours.  We will see that 2 forces, the pressure gradient force (PGF) and the Coriolis force (CF), cause the winds to blow this way.  Eventually you will be able to draw the directions of the forces for each of the four upper level winds examples.  Here is an example of what you will be able to do.  Note I am saying will, with a little effort and thought, be able to do and not should be able to do.

The four drawings at the bottom of the page show surface winds blowing around high and low pressure in the southern hemisphere.  These winds blow across the contour lines slightly, always toward low pressure.  The frictional force is what causes this to occur.  He is an example of what you will be able to say about surface winds blowing around low pressure in the southern hemisphere.

The main point to take from Step #2 is that a net inward force is needed anytime an object is moving in a circular path.  It doesn't matter what direction the object is moving.  The net force is inward anytime something moves in a circular path.

The pressure gradient force always points toward low pressure.  The PGF will cause stationary air to begin to move (it will always move toward low pressure).

The Coriolis force is caused by the rotation of the earth and points perpendicular to the wind.  It can only change the wind's direction, it can't cause the wind to speed up or slow down.  The direction of the CF depends on whether you're in the northern or southern hemisphere.  There will be a little more explanation of what causes the Coriolis force in class on Monday.

Now we start to put everything together.  The PGF at Point 1 starts stationary air moving toward the center of low pressure (just like a rock would start to roll downhill).  Once the air starts to move, the CF causes it to turn to the right (because this is a northern hemisphere chart).  The wind eventually ends up blowing parallel to the contour lines and spin in a counterclockwise direction.  Note that the inward PGF is stronger than the outward CF.  This results in a net inward force, something that is needed anytime wind blows in a circular path.

See if you can figure out what to do with this figure.  When you think you have the answer click here.

With high pressure the air starts moving outward.  In this example the wind takes a right turn and ends up blowing in a clockwise direction around the high.  Note there is a net inward force here just as there was with the two previous examples involving low pressure.

Try this one on your own.  When you think you have the answer, click here.

The next two figures cover surface winds

The top figure shows upper level winds blowing parallel to straight contours.  The PGF and CF point in opposite directions and have the same strength.  The net force is zero.  The winds would blow in a straight line at constant speed.

We add friction in the second picture.  It points in a direction opposite the wind and can only slow the wind down.  The strength of the frictional force depends on wind speed (no frictional force if the wind is calm) and the surface the wind is blowing over (less friction over the ocean than over the land).

Slowing the wind weakens the CF and it can no longer balance the PGF.  The stronger PGF causes the wind to turn and blow across the contours toward Low.

Eventually the CF and Frictional force, working together, can balance out the PGF.

Now the transition from the straight contours above to the circular contours below might be a little abrupt.  But if you zero in on a very small part of a larger circular pattern the contours look straight.  The important thing to remember is that surface winds will always blow across the contours toward low.  The figure above wasn't shown in class.

The winds are spiralling inward in the top and bottom examples.  These must be surface centers of low pressure.  The middle two examples are high pressure.  The winds spin in the same directions around surface highs and lows as they do around upper levell highs and lows.

Converging winds cause air to rise.  Rising air expands and cools and can cause clouds to form (I'll bet you're getting sick of hearing that).  Diverging winds created sinking wind motions and result in clear skies.
