Experiment #1 - Percentage Concentration of Oxygen in Air

X Andrew Apodaca #17
X Eduardo Atjian #35
X Jason Bertoni #43
X Lisa Best #39
X Laatra Boufelfel #11
X Zach Cavarretta #129
X Christine Chao #33
X Rachel Drechsler #55
Carly Eisenberg #145
X William Ferris #125
X Ryan Gabler #1
X Jeff Gordon #27
X SaDella Grace #41
X Jack Halstead #127
X Haley Harrigan #87
X John Michael Johnson #95
X CL Keedy #141
X Trevor Laky #139
X Elise Lampert #5
X Rachel Lasky #115
X Brittany Levin #147
X Ashley Loebe #121
X Yanet Lopez #49
X Lauren Marino #73
X Patricia McCoy #89
X Kate McHugh #75
X Laura McHugh #63

X Bernardo Mercado #137
X Rafael Nunez #15
X Paul C Perez #107
X Paul Reeves #59
X Chantal Reyes #81
X Lindsey Salaz #119
Andrew Saltz #31
X Jennifer Sammons #7
X Tarah Santilli #117
X Lauren Schmitt #71
X Abel Serratos #25
Robert Sides #3
X Sophia Sisson #85
X Camryn Soria #21
X Luke Thomsen #51
X Claire Thorten #23
X Meghan Wagner #93
X Alyssa Weaver #45
X Maclane Weed #37
X Courtney White #67
X Emily Wood #135

Materials will be distributed in class starting on Tuesday Sep. 2. 

Start the experiment at a time when you will be able to check it a few times at fairly frequent intervals (every hour or two).  You should start the experiment soon
because it may take several days to run to completion.  Don't wait until the last minute to do this experiment.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials (this will give someone else the opportunity to do this experiment) and pick up the supplementary information handout.   Click on this more information link to learn more about Expt. #1.

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials. 

Reports are due in class on Tue. Sep. 23.  An X in front of your name means I have received your report