Experiment #2 - Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice

X Iqbal Al-Sanea #20
X Kelsey Anderson #102
Madison Applegate #50
X Andy Ball #94
Stephanie Beneze #38
X Chancis Benjamin #124
X Renwick Bivings #114
X Alex Brown #40
X Devin Calori #44
X Steven Cox #110
X Jeff DeGregorio #104
X Sean Ellis #12
X Amanda Hanna #118
X Blake Koty #52
X Kyle Lamb #148
X Nicholas Legendre #20
X Xiao Li #14
X Jacob Lien #92
X Shuyan Lin #16
X James Loukota #120
X Phil Marrone #62
X Jeff McMickell #54

X Thomas Milillo #132
X Alecy Molina #58
X Matt Morris #64
X Katie Muench #118
X Kevin Neman #128
X Nathan Norris #42
X John Papapietro #10
X Matthew Park
X Brian Parman #106
X Joseph Picchioni #116
X Michael Rosas #86
X Jackie Ruyle #48
X Cameron Scott #128
X Carl Segal #80
X Betty Sendlein #56
X Melissa Shephard #26
X Shaun Sklar #8
X Alex Stuchen #136
X Janae Thompson #146
X Serena Valdez #130
X Annette Verdugo #18
X Chao Wei #6
X Jenny Wise #30

Laura Taki #48 (report due 10/19)

Materials for the following people will be available
on Friday Oct. 9.  Reports will be due on or before
Fri., Oct. 23.

Allison Barone #134
X Sarah Benson #116
X Sean D'Anna #32
X Carly Gerber #4
Ryan Glassberg
Kellie Hartmann #2
X Rebekah Kantor #45
X Brittany McMorris #124
X Corinne O'Donoghue #124
X Amy Parsons #36
X Jacquie Sorenson #46
Brianna Telford #24
X Lindsay Torres #34

Experiment materials were handed out for the first time on Fri., Sep. 25.

Even though the experiment doesn't take very long to complete, don't wait until the last minute to collect the data.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.   The supplementary information sheet will show you how to use your measurements to calculate the latent heat of fusion.  Bringing back your materials early will also make it possible for another student to get started on the experiment.

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Reports are due in class on  Mon. Oct. 12.