Experiment #3 - Solar Irradiance
X Emaan Ameri #44 X Dylan Blakely #65 X Lydia Buck #22 X Sean Clair #36 X Ivan De La Torre #4 X Scott Eames #12 X Sarah Fynmore #54 X Pierre Gerber #46 X Michelle Guidroz #78 X Robert Hood #80 X AoRan Jiang #14 ??? #40 |
X Jonathon Knowles #52 X Ricky Kopecky #6 X Lucas Larson #30 X Qingli Liu #92 X Jenna Lopilato #28 X Nathan Madrigal #66 X Adrian Martin #84 X Zack McClain #2 X Noelle Mietus #80 X Melinda Moeller #82 X Tim Murray #16 X Niles Olson #24 |
X Brian Pepper #34 X Mollie Pokrass #42 X Jessica Racioppi #84 X Kyle Reasor #46 X Darin Riefberg #18 Max Schimberg #86 Mollie Steinman #8 Dewayne Williams #74 X Huchao Zhang #90 X Kristine Zeunen X Nicole Zeunen #72 |
X Bridget Cooley #36 (11/9) Rachel Greenstein Monica Hershman #30 (11/16) Rachel Lieberman #21 (11/9) |
The experiment doesn't take very long to complete, but it does require
weather. Don't wait until the last minute to collect the data you
know what the weather will be like. Once you have collected your
return your materials and pick up the supplementary information
handout. The supplementary information sheet will show you
how to
use your measurements to calculate the solar irradiance.
Your name should turn blue
when you have
returned your materials.
Reports are due in class on Monday, Nov. 2, 2009