I "own" two cats. This is
Fox. She
showed up in my yard several years ago as a young kitten.
In a little bit better mood
in this picture.
This is Rajah. He used to live in New Mexico and belonged to some
of my father's neighbors. They wouldn't let him in the house even
in the winter (and it gets pretty cold in New Mexico in the
winter). So he moved into my Dad's house and stayed with
him. When my father died I brought him to Tucson. He is a
very smart cat. One of the ways he avoided being eaten by the
coyotes at my Dad's house was by learning how to climb up and down
ladders. He would spend a lot of time of the roof.
Rajah sometimes gives me a hand with the grading. You might
see some of his paw prints on some of your work one day.
This is Alvin and belongs to one
of my neighbors. He comes pretty nearly everydat for a snack or
two. Lately he's
been bringing his brother.
This guy, a stray cat, doesn't have a name (let me know if you
have any suggetions).
It took a couple of years before he would let me touch him. I am
still very careful around this guy because he's still very
unpredictable and will occasionally swat
you and scratch you with his very sharp claws.