Book Report
Jillian Campbell (Krakatoa) report due by Thu., Nov. 12
Casey Celaya (Divine Wind) report due by Tue., Nov. 24
X Caitlin Corrigan (When Smoke Ran Like Water) report due by Tue.,
Stacie Goodman (When Smoke Ran Like Water) report due by Thu., Oct. 15
Lindsey Lachner (Into Thin Air)
X Amanda Mojarro (The Little Ice Age) report due Tue., Oct. 6
Mariella Nava (Krakatoa) report due by Thu., Nov. 12
X Nicole Venn - (Storm of the Century)
At some point during the first half of the semester you should
have a look at the list of books
available. Send the instructor
an email with the name(s) of a book or two that you think might
interest you. If the books haven't been checked out the
instructor will bring them to class for you to check out. Once
you have checked out a book you will have 3 to 4 weeks to read the book
and prepare your report.
Here are some guidelines to use when
reading and then writing your book report.
An X in front of your name means you have turned in a report.