Experiment #1 - Percentage Oxygen Concentration in the Air

X Firingiz Aliyeva #13
Syrena Arevalo #23
Mike Baranowski #57
X David Basilio #9
X Fernanda Batiz #53
X Morgan Bentley #25
X Hannah Bess #131
X Fernando Brau #95
Hayden Colbert #29
X Drew Desnich #5

X Carolyn Ehat #121
X Devyn Friedman #37
X Rachel Froy #61
X Greggory Gahn #3
X Garrett Gomez #1
X Paulina Gomez #55
X Venessa Gonzalez #97
X Estephanie Graham #51
X Victoria Honzel #63
X Justine Huggins #45

Patrick Hughes #19
Abby Kaplan #67
X Ji-soo Kim #11
X Kelsie Korn #47
X Danielle Lee #87
X Alyssa Lehman #127
X Ivan Licon #147
X Ryan Loebe #59
X Natalie Makos #107
X Bertha Mendoza #141
Jessica Mendoza #49
X Sapphira Miller #93
X Jessica Morris
X Rachel Musch #33
X Mariella Nava #119
X Amanda Parkman #15
X Derek Passmore #17
X Matthew Perez #7
X Ryan Phillips #115
X David Reinkensmeyer #75
X Elli Rigolfi #31
X Jordan Robb #135
X Tara Rosen #125
X Josh Selbe #27
X Ahmad Taleb #73
X Katie Thorning #117
X Hannah Tichenor #65
X Karen Valdez #81
X Nicole Venn #21
X Mengjiao Wang #43
X Molly Watson #35
X Hannah Weintraub #139
X Kevin Whitehurst #85
X Sophia Wright #93
X Tyler Zaumseil #83&#119

Materials were distributed in class for the first time on Thursday, Aug. 27.

Start the experiment at a time when you will be able to check it a few times at fairly frequent intervals (every hour or two).  You should start the experiment soon (don't wait until the last minute to start this experiment)
because it may take several days to run to completion.  Click on this more information link to learn more about Expt. #1.

Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.  The supplementary information handout will help with the analysis portion of your report.  Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.  An X in front of your name means you have turned in your report.

Reports are due in class on Tue., Sep. 22.  Once your report is graded, it will be returned to you and you will have the opportunity to revise your report.