Experiment #2 - Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice

X Isabel Acosta #115
X Diego Armenta #33
X Bethany Barnes #25
X Angelina Bravo #49
X Kelly Chase #84
X Armando Cienfuegos #43
X Gaby Cohen
X Leigh DeGolia #55
X Ashley Elliott #1
X Gabrielle Estrada #97
X Alexis Green #45
X Johnathon Hanson #121
X Jessica Heller #89
X Patrick Hughes #107
X Abby Kaplan #83
X Katherine Kent #93
Isai Lara #29
X Jaclyn Lichterman #13
??? #71

X Anne Marrie Lieser #147
X Traci Long #131
X Soana Lucet #141

X Ari Marcus #31

X Georgenne Moline #127
X Emily Ossip #15
X Diana Rosales #5
X Becka Schoenfeld
X Rahul Seth #59
X Kathryn Shrader #85
X Saraly Silva #95
Danielle Simpson #51
X Nikolai Solow #3
Jessica Stone #53
X Justin Sutter #87
X Ashley Tafolla#19
X Jared Train #139
X Tori Witt #135
X Katie Young #73

Daniel Prieto #5 (report due 10/22)

Materials will be available on Tue., Oct. 13
for the following people.  Reports will be
due on or before Tue., Oct. 27.

Stacie Goodman
Robert Lucas #43
X Katrina Osborne #85
Victoria Rosenblum #31
X Colter Ruland #81?
Ana Cristina Salido #125
Sasha Weinstein

Experiment materials will be handed out for the first time on Thursday Sep. 24.

Even though the experiment doesn't take very long to complete, don't wait until the last minute to collect the data.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.   The supplementary information sheet will show you how to use your measurements to calculate the latent heat of fusion.  Returning your materials early will give other students the chance to do the experiment.

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Unless notes otherwise, reports are due in class on  Tue., Oct. 13.