Quiz 4 Study Guide
(10/21/09 11:30 am)
á Meaning of westerly vs. westward
á Relationship between Temperature, SVP, dewpoint and relative humidity
á What is a thermal direct circulation
o Where are the high and low pressure at the surface and aloft relative to the warm and cold surface locations?
o diurnal cycle of land-sea breeze
o diurnal cycle of Mountain-valley
o Seasonal cycle of Monsoons
á Distinguish winter from summer based on land and ocean surface pressure and winds
á Global circulation,
o At what latitudes does air rise and sink
o What is the resulting precipitation pattern and how does it vary with season
á Ocean currents
o Cause and implications of upwelling along California and Peruvian coasts
o Know the locations of the Gulf Stream, California and Kuroshio currents
o signatures of normal, El Nino and La Nina conditions
o Where is air rising, where is it sinking during the different ENSO phases
o How does the depth of the thermocline vary with ENSO phase
á Air masses
o Types of Air masses, conditions under which they form, conditions that describe them
o Types of fronts at boundaries between air masses