NATS 101 Quiz 6 study guide
Updated 12/2/09 5:30 PM
Structure of hurricane
Conditions for hurricane
Types of damage: Storm surge, high winds,
What events caused modern air pollution regulations
Under what weather conditions does pollution tend to be worse
What are the differences between London and Los Angeles smog types
What is acid rain? Why do we care?
Why are there regulations on fine scale aerosol amounts?
Ozone hole: Where, when, why, what are we doing to stop it?
Be familiar with the Koppen categories
Climate change
Paleoclimate: How do we know about past climates on Earth? Why is this important?
What are the ice ages?
What are the important greenhouse gases?
How have CO2 amounts varied in the past? What kind of concentrations are anticipated in the future?
How does increasing CO2 cause the Earth to warm?
What is the man made gas that is most responsible for anthropogenic climate change?
Make sure you are familiar with what
will change in the Figure 2.16 as CO2 increases
What are positive and negative feedbacks? Give examples of each
What roles do clouds play in global warming?
What roles are aerosols thought to
play in climate change?
Why might relative humidity decrease in the interiors of continents as climate warms?
What happens to snow pack with global warming? Why is this important?
What region of the globe appears to have warmed the most over the past 50 years?
What important roles do the oceans play in global change?
How long does it take the oceans to warm up?
What is the thermohaline circulation?
What are some of the potential changes people are concerned about?
What are the causes of rising sea level?
How does water vapor change in a warmer climate? Why is this important?
Why might severe weather become more severe in a warmer climate?