Dynamic Meteorology
Fall 2010
To understand the dynamics and thermodynamics of various atmospheric phenomena associated with weather and climate
Prof. Xubin Zeng
PAS Room 562
Tel: 621-4782
Teaching Assistant:
There are no official teaching assistants. My group member Mike Brunke will help in the class project (; PAS 566C, 626-7349).
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 2:00 - 2:50 pm
PAS Room 488
Office Hours:
Any time after lectures on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
Grading Policy:
For graduates: Homework (30%, two assignments with the lowest scores are excluded for averaging), Project (10%),
and Midterm and Final tests (35% for the higher score and 25% for the other). Undergraduates don't need to do the
class projects and homework will take 40% with the remaining 60% from Midterm and Final exams (as graduates).
Being late (but prior to the distribution of answer sheet) will result
in 10% reduction of the score for each homework assignment,
and the score for missing exam(s) will be taken as zero.
Required Textbook:
An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology (James R. Holton, 2004, Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 535)
MATH 223 (Vector Calculus), preferably MATH 254 (Ordinary Differential Equations), PHYS 141/142 or
151/152 (General Physics w/Calculus Applications); ATMO 436A or instructor's permission.
Before lecture: Read the relevant Chapter
During lecture: Actively ask and answer questions
After lecture: Read the relevant Chapter and do homework
Final examination: 2:00 - 4:00 pm, Friday (12/10/10)
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