Experiment #3 - Solar Irradiance
X Spencer
Alles #79 X Veronica Atondo #91 X Brooke Bolek #4 X Tiersa Bond #21 X Kellie Borland #11 X Heather Cohen #97 X Sajni Desai #86 X Allison Ernst #47 |
X Samantha Goldstein #35 Kim Grennan Taylor Grewe #80 (report due 11/15) X Stephen Heller #67 X Jennifer Hurd #17 X Clarelise Johnson #69 Tanner Johnson X Austyn Johnston #79 X Dong Hyun Kim #23 Courtney Kjar #1 (report due 11/8) X William Le #7 X Hyesoo Lee #25 X Mackenzie Lee (51?) |
X Justin Marini #19 X Luis Mariscal #3 X Michael Matts #33 Jonah Miller #83 Megan Mitchell X Julieann Morse #15 X Catherine Mulkerin #43 Samuel Orr #51 (report due 11/15) X Davis Rajs #85 X Allie Ricks #65 X Kelsie Rivers #31 X Eric Rodriquez #45 |
X Chelsea Senden #6 X Tim Sherman #97 X Rebecca Stetson #99 X Blythe Tarbox #95 X Matthew Voelker #89 X Dian Wang #1 Eric Wheeler #99 Chelsea Wilson (report due 11/17) |
Experiment materials should be the week of Oct. 11-15. Here is a
little more
information about the experiment.
The experiment doesn't take very long to complete, but it does require
weather. Don't wait until the last minute to collect the data you
know what the weather will be like.
Your thermometer
might have a separated column. If so, see these special
Once you have collected your
return your materials and pick up the supplementary information
handout. The supplementary information sheet will show you
how to
use your measurements to calculate the solar irradiance.
Your name should turn blue
when you have
returned your materials.
Reports are due in class on Monday, Nov. 1.