Wednesday Aug. 25, 2010
click here to download today's notes in a more printer friendly format

A couple of songs  Tamacun and Diablo Rojo from Rodrigo y Gabriela before class today.  They also have a very nice version of Stairway to Heaven.

The Experiment signup sheets were handed out in class today.  The Experiment #1 materials should be available in class on Friday.

The only reading assignment at this point is to read through the Lecture Notes as they appear online.

We began class by reviewing some material in the Aug. 23 notes that was either not covered or covered too quickly in class on Monday. 

The atmosphere we have today (mostly nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, and argon) is very different from the earth's original atmosphere which was mostly hydrogen and helium.  This original atmosphere either escaped (the earth was hot and the gases were moving around with enough speed that they could overcome the pull of the earth's gravity) or was swept into space by the solar wind (click on the link if you are interested in learning more about the solar wind, otherwise don't worry about it). 

Most of our present atmosphere is though to have come from volcanic eruptions.

Try to remember the three gases listed at left.  Don't worry about remembering the gases at right.  Volcanoes emit a lot of water vapor and carbon dioxide.  As the earth began to cool the water vapor condensed and began to create oceans.  Carbon dioxide dissolved in the oceans and was slowly turned into rock.  Smaller amounts of nitrogen (N2) are emitted by volcanoes.  Nitrogen is relatively unreactive and remained in the air.  Nitrogen concentration built up over time.

Volcanoes didn't add any of the oxygen that is the atmosphere.  Where did that come from?

The oxygen is thought to have first come from photodissociation of water vapor and carbon dioxide by ultraviolet light (the high energy UV light is able to split the H20 and CO2 molecules into pieces).  The O and OH react to form O2 and H.

It is sometimes easier and clearer to show or explain a reaction in formulas instead of words.  I don't expect you to remember the chemical formulas in the example above.  You might just remember that the earth's original oxygen came from other gases in the air.  It's probably also good to remember that ultraviolet light is capable of breaking molecules apart.

Once molecular oxygen (O2) begins to accumulate in the air it can react with atomic oxygen (O) to form ozone (O3). This is an example of two formulas that you probably should remember. 

Once formed, ozone in the atmosphere began to absorb ultraviolet light and life forms could safely move from the oceans (which would absorb UV light in the absence of ozone) onto land.  Eventually plants and photosynthesis would become the main source of atmospheric oxygen.

Photosynthesis is a source of oxygen, it removes CO2 from the air.  Combustion is really just the opposite of photosynthesis.  We burn fossil fuels to generate energy.  Water vapor and carbon dioxide are by products.  Combustion is a source of CO2.

The following figure is the first page in the packet of photocopied ClassNotes.

This somewhat confusing figure shows some of the important events in the history of the earth and evolution of the atmosphere.  The numbered points were emphasized.

First, Point 1: the earth is thought to be between  4.5 and  4.6 billion years old.  If you want to remember the earth is a few billion years old that is probably close enough.
The iron catastrophe was an important event (but wasn't discussed in class).  Circulation of liquid metal in the core of the earth gives the earth a magnetic field.  The magnetic field deflects the solar wind around the earth.  Remember the solar wind may have swept away the earth's original atmosphere.

Stromatolites (Point 2) are column-shaped structures made up of layers of sedimentary rock, that are created by microorganisms living at the top of the stromatolite (I've never actually seen a stromatolite, so this is all based on photographs and written descriptions).  Fossils of the very small microbes (cyanobacteria = blue green algae) have been found in stromatolites as old as 2.7 B years and are some of the earliest records of life on earth.  Much older (3.5 to 3.8 B years old) stromatolites presumably also produced by microbes, but without microbe fossils, have been found. 

We're learning about stromatolites because the cyanobacteria were able to produce oxygen using photosynthesis.

Living stromatolites are found in a few locations today.  The picture above is from Coral Bay Australia, located on the western tip of the continent.  The picture was probably taken at low tide, the stromatolites would normally be covered with ocean water.

Once cyanobacteria began to produce oxygen in ocean water, the oxygen reacted with dissolved iron (iron ions in the figure below) to form hematite or magnetite.  These two minerals precipitated out of the water to form a layer on the sea bed.

Periodically the oxygen production would decrease or stop (rising oxygen levels might have killed the cyanobacteria or seasonal changes in incoming sunlight might have slowed the photosynthesis).  During these times of low dissolved oxygen concentrations, layers of jasper would form on the ocean bottom.  Eventually the cyanobacteria would recover, begin producing oxygen again, and a new layer of hematite or magnetite would form.  The rocks that resulted, containing alternating layers of black hematite or magnetite and red layers of jasper are known as the banded iron formation (Point 3).  A couple of small polished pieces of banded iron rock (actually "tiger iron")  were passed around class (thanks for returning them).   In addition to the red and black layers, the tiger iron contains yellow layers made of fibers of quartz.   The rocks are fairly heavy because they contain a lot of iron, but the most impressive thing about them in my opinion is their age - they are a few billion years old!

Eventually the dissolved iron in the ocean was used up (Point 4 in the timeline figure above).  Oxygen produced by cyanobacteria no longer reacted with iron and was free to move from the ocean into the atmosphere.  Once in the air, the oxygen could react with iron in sediments on the earth's surface.  This produced red colored (rust colored) sedimentary rock.  None of these socalled red beds are older than about 2 B years old.  Thus it appears that a real buildup up oxygen began around 2 B years ago. Oxygen concentrations reached levels that are about the same as today around 500 to 600 years ago (Point 5 in the figure,).

We listed the 5 most abundant gases in the atmosphere in class on Monday.  Several more important trace gases were added to the list in class today.  Trace gases are gases found in low concentrations.  Low concentrations doesn't mean they aren't important, however.

Water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide (N2O = laughing gas), chlorofluorocarbons, and ozone are all greenhouse gases.  Increasing atmospheric concentrations of these gases are responsible for the current concern over climate change and global warming.  We'll discuss this topic in the next week or two and learn more about how the greenhouse effect actually works later in the course.

Carbon monoxide, nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone, and sulfur dioxide are some of the major air pollutants.  We'll cover these on Friday and early next week.

Ozone has sort of a Dr. Jeckyl and Mr. Hyde personality
(i)  Ozone in the stratosphere (a layer of the atmosphere between 10 and 50 km altitude) is beneficial because it absorbs dangerous high energy ultraviolet (UV) light coming from the sun.  Without the protection of the ozone layer, life as we know it would not exist on the surface of the earth.  Chlorofluorocarbons are of concern in the atmosphere because they destroy stratospheric ozone.

(ii)  In the troposphere (the bottom 10 kilometers or so of the atmosphere) ozone is a pollutant and is one of the main ingredients in photochemical smog.

We have been discussing the composition of air.  Air is mostly composed on invisible gases.  I've often thought it might be interesting to bring in several examples of gases that you can actually see (the gases are colored, not clear; you can't of course see the individual gas atoms or molecules).  Once I started to do some research I found that many of these gases are very poisonous. 
Here are some of the gases that you can see
It is a heavy, volatile, mobile, dangerous reddish-brown liquid. The red vapour has a strong unpleasant odour and the vapour irritates the eyes and throat. When spilled on the skin it produces painful sores. It is a serious health hazard, and maximum safety precautions should be taken when handling it.  Since I don't really know what maximum safety precautions entail, I won't be bringing any bromine to class.
You shouldn't mix household bleach with another household cleaner because the mixture might release chlorine gas.  Chlorine and mustard gas were used during World War I.
Nitrogen Dioxide
Symptoms of poisoning (lung edema) tend to appear several hours after one has inhaled a low but potentially fatal dose. Also, low concentrations (4 ppm) will anesthetize the nose, thus creating a potential for overexposure.

I do occasionally make nitrogen dioxide in class.  It's not a particularly educational demonstration but reinforces the point that air pollutants are toxic substances.

We'll be discussing air pollution in class starting on Friday.  Air Pollution is a serious health hazard in the US and around the world.  Click here to download a copy of some statistics that we'll go over at the start of class on Friday.