Experiment #2 - Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice

Abdulla Al Hbabi #148 (report due 10/29)
Hayden Anderson #162 (report due 10/20)
X Chris Bartlett #111
Victor Binning
X Alix Boisson #154
George Campos #124? (report due 10/29)
Allie Churney #103 (report due 10/18)
Luissel Cordova #123
X Hannah Cramer #127
X Samantha Curalli #146
Christopher Estrada #135 (report due 10/20)
X Lynwandowski Filfred #131
Keegan Finn #105 (report due 10/18)

Lindsay Folkert #185 (report due 10/29)

X Matthew Garcia #124
Jessica Gibbs
X Danielle Giovannetti #115

X Xu Han #107
Sae hun Jang #146
(report due 10/29)
Austyn Johnston
X Lauryn Kestel #155
Jaehun Kim
Paige Kratzke #141
X Trevor Krejci #113
Nathan Le
X Zeqi Li #101
X Marcel Lipari
X Natanya Lund #157
X Eric Lundstrom #129
X Nathan May #109
Eoin McCarthy #123 (report due 10/18)
X Lexi Miller #151
X Casey Neddeau
X Chelsea Nice #117
X Daniel Pages #130
Kristen Pagnan #185
X Addie Payne #145
X Meiyuan Peng #160
X Tyana Perez #126
Richard Phan
X Lauren Pill
Jason Rheinlander #143
X Aubrey Rice #120

Frances Romano
Elia Ruiz #121 (report due 10/29)
X Katelyn Sandfort #97
X Sarah-Jayne Simon
Hunter Smith #133
Lianne Tendler #113 (report due 10/29)
X Ramon Valdez #121
X Lily Walsh #99
Eric Wheeler
Kelly Wigmore #172
(report due 10/29)
Nick Wilson #101 (report due 10/29)

About 30 sets of experiment materials were distributed for the first time on Fri., Sep. 24.  That wasn't enough for everyone on the list above.  If you didn't get any materials please be patient, you'll get them eventually (and you'll be given the same amount of time to collect your data and write your report as everyone else).

Your thermometer may have a separated column.  If so see read these special instructions.

Even though the experiment doesn't take very long to complete, don't wait until the last minute to collect the data.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.   The supplementary information sheet will show you how to use your measurements to calculate the latent heat of fusion.  Bringing back your materials early will also make it possible for another student to get started on the experiment.

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Unless otherwise noted above reports are due in class on  Mon., Oct. 11.