Experiment #1 - Percentage Oxygen Concentration in the Air

X Natalie Aguilar #19
X Christina Aiello #89
X Hope Anderson #50
X Seandean Anderson #73
X Mark Ballesteros #77
X Alayna Baron #2
X Amanda Bevan #21
X Tina Bohmfalk #62
X Jenny Boocher #48
X Mason Byrd #66
X Kimberly Christman #97
X Christian Delaney #43
X Yakira Delgadillo #65
X Troy Dennison #52
X Sarah Dykman #44
X Brianna Ehland #24
X Claire Fleck #79

X Kyle Fricke #18
X Rachel Goldinger #40
X Ben Gomez #13
X Amro Hamed #68

X Kayla John #95
Chelsea Kay #4
X Bryce Keffeler #33

X Kyungwon Lee #28
X Shane Lewis #61
X Jacob Little #83

X Jazmine Luna #72
X Zach Luna #16
X Amanda Lundberg #79

X Ashley Matyas #93
X Heidi McFarland #56
X Kajal Patel #55
X Laura Pearson #34
X Erick Pesqueira #54
X Jordan Quintana #3
X Shannon Roach #72
X Kaila Schubert #36
X Diana Serratos #59
X Maya Shovestull #92
X Sandy Smith #42
X Sydney A. Smith #25
X Bradley Thomas #56

X Amanda Wagner #5
X Luyao Wang #31
X Zhongsen Wang #32

Materials were distributed in class for the first time on Thursday Aug. 26.

Reports were collected Tue., Sep. 21.  It will take at least one week to grade these reports.

Start the experiment at a time when you will be able to check it a few times at fairly frequent intervals (every hour or two).  You should start the experiment soon (don't wait until the last minute to start this experiment) because it may take several days to run to completion.  Click on this more information link to learn more about Expt. #1.

Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.  The supplementary information handout will help with the analysis portion of your report.  Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.  An X in front of your name means you have turned in a report.