Experiment #2 - Latent Heat of Fusion of Ice

X Monica Alvarado #83
Joshua Ballester #50
X Julia Black #56
Sean Bourne #86
X Sam Burns #5
X Xinglei Chai #77
X JD Cutri #65
X Brandon Dixon #62
X Mary Egebrecht #92
X Anna Erikson #66

X Chelsea Ferrero #33

X Danitza Fimbres #92
X Kait Flederbach #5 
X Laura Goldberg #79
X Jessica Good #40
X Aidan Gordon #73
X Destiny Grigsby #42
X Kyra Hall #52
X Benjamin Hawkins #68
X Yu He #61
X Carmen Hernandez #36
Melina Islas #34
X Chelsea Kay #55 (report due 10/21)

X Tanner Ketellapper #99
X Dusty Koelemeyer #66

X John Krieger #19

X Amanda Lai#24
X HaeEun Lee #59
X Kenneth Lewis #44
X Qian Liu #3
X Sara Lovelace #28
X Whitney Mast #93
X Ashlyn McCahan #18
X Katie Miller #93
X Dani Mitzel #48
X Michelle Moussa #33
X Hayley Pierce #91
X Drew Owen #61
X Sydney L Smith #15
X Thomas Strock #4
X Trevor Stuart #79
X Morgan Stumpf #43
X Jake Tick #54
X Dani Tronzo #16
X Connor Waldman #95
X Chris Weber #31
X Shiying Xiang #2
X Xinglong Yao #24
X Jieqing Zeng #118
X Anqi Zhang #72

About 38 sets of experiment materials were distributed for the 1st time on Thu., Sep. 23.  That wasn't enough for everyone on the list above.  If you didn't get any materials please be patient, you'll get them eventually (and you'll be given the same amount of time to collect your data and write your report as everyone else).

Your thermometer may have a separated column.  If so, read these special instructions.

Even though the experiment doesn't take very long to complete, don't wait until the last minute to collect the data.  Once you have collected your data, return your materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.   The supplementary information sheet will show you how to use your measurements to calculate the latent heat of fusion.  Bringing back your materials early will also make it possible for another student to get started on the experiment.

Your name should turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Unless otherwise noted above reports are due in class on  Tue., Oct. 12.  An X in front of your name means I have received your report. 

I takes about a week to grade these reports so you should expect them back Tue. or Thu. next week (Oct. 19 or Oct. 21).