


FINAL EXAM: Friday, Dec. 17.  8-10 am, ILC 120. 


Practice final exam posted.


Midterm #3 posted with key.  Final exam review sheet posted.


Final Exam Review session: Wednesday, Dec. 15.  PAS 201.





Christopher L. Castro

Assistant Professor, Department of Atmospheric Sciences

E-mail: castro@atmo.arizona.edu

Office:  Physics-Atmospheric Sciences Bldg. Rm 520

Office Hours:  MW 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m., or by appointment

Phone: (520) 626-5617

Course instructor and contact information:

NATS 101, Section 13: Introduction to Weather and Climate

Fall Semester 2010

MWF 9:00 A.M.—9:50 A.M.  ILC 120

Teaching Assistants and contact information:

Matthew Clarkson

Graduate Student, Department of Atmospheric Sciences

E-mail: mclarkso@email.arizona.edu

Office:  Meet in PAS 588

Office Hours:  TR 2-3 p.m. or by appointment

Anita Annamalai

Graduate Student, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

E-mail: anitaa@email.arizona.edu

Office:  Meet in PAS 588

Office Hours:  W 3-4 p.m., R  4-5 p.m. or by appointment