1S1P Reports Grading

Bonus Assignment - Atmospheric Stability
Grader A
Average score = 5.4 out of  6

Bonus Assignment - Foucault Pendulum
Grader A
Average score = 6.7 out of 7

Assignment #2 - Rainbows, Mirages, and the Green Flash
students with last names starting with
Grader A

Average score = 11.7 out of 15
students with last names starting with
Grader B

Average score = 9.5 out of 15

Assignment #2 - Fairly Recent Climate Events
Grader X
Average score = 10.2 out of 12

Assignment #2 - Santa Ana Winds
Grader A
Average score = 9.5 out of 10

Assignment #1 - Seasons
Grader X
Average score = 9.8 out of 13

Assignment #1 - Ozone
students with last names starting with
A - M
Grader Y

Average score = 8.5 out of 12
students with last names starting with
 N - Z
Grader Z

Average score = 10 out of 12

Bonus Assignment - Radon
Grader X
Average score = 8.0 out of 10
papers were returned Oct. 3

grading hasn't started yet

grading is underway

grading is complete