Week #2 Assignment


1.         The weight of an object depends on the object's _______ and _______.

  a. mass          b. atmospheric pressure          c. volume          d. gravity          e. density

2.         Based on the pressure values shown in the figure below, 30% of the weight of the atmosphere lies

            a. above C          b. between B and C          c. between A and C          d. between A and B

3.        There is less and less air left overhead as you move upward in the atmosphere.  This explains why _______
           and _______ both decrease with increasing altitude.

           a. gravity          b. air pressure          c. air density          d. air temperature

4.       Pressure at the ground is  HIGHER  LOWER  than at some altitude above the ground.  This change in pressure produces a force that points  UPWARD  DOWNWARD.


5.       If the earth's gravity were to increase, but the mass of the atmosphere remained constant, the surface pressure would  INCREASE,  DECREASE,  remain the  SAME.  Surface air density would  INCREASE,  DECREASE,  remain the  SAME.

6.     The two volumes of air in the figure br;pe have equal volumes but different densities.  Parcel B weighs  MORE
        than,  LESS than, the  SAME  as the air in Parcel A. The upward force on Parcel B from the pressure of the
        surrounding air is  GREATER than, LESS than,  EQUAL  to force on Parcel A.


7.        Sea level atmospheric pressure is determined by
 a. the composition of the atmosphere          b. the weight of the atmosphere
 c. the thickness of the atmosphere              d. the distance between the earth and the sun

8.        Fill in any two of the following blanks with approximate values of average atmospheric pressure at sea level.

  _________ millibars   _________inches of mercury   ________ pounds per square inch

9.        The pressure of the gas in a parcel does not depend on the
  a. parcel volume          b. gas temperature          c. gas density          d. gas temperature

10.       In the atmosphere if you heat or cool a small volume of air the  DENSITY  PRESSURE  of the air inside the
  parcel   will change in order to keep the  DENSITY  PRESSURE  constant.

11.       If you measured the air pressure and the air temperature, you could use the idea gas law to calculate the
  a. dew point          b. air density          c. air composition          d. altitude

12.   12.       Outside an airplane at 30,000 feet altitude, the air temperature would be ____________, the air pressure would be
           ____________, and the air density would be ____________  than(as) at sea level. (fill in each blank with
          HIGHER, LOWER, or the SAME)


13.       The earth’s atmosphere is divided into layers based on the vertical profile of

            a. air pressure               b. air temperature         c. air density                 d. wind direction

14.    14.      Indicate whether the following would be found in the BOTTOM, MIDDLE, or TOP layer in the figure below.

                   a. coldest air temperatures ____________     b. highest air density ____________
         c. troposphere ____________            d. lowest air pressure __________


15.       To determine whether an object will float or sink when thrown into water you need to know how the object’s
            ____________________ compares to that of water.