Dynamic Meteorology
Fall 2012
To understand the dynamics and thermodynamics of various atmospheric phenomena associated with weather and climate
Prof. Xubin Zeng
PAS Room 562
Tel: 621-4782
Email: xubin@atmo.arizona.edu
Teaching Assistant:
There are no official teaching assistants. My group member Mike Brunke will help in the class project
(brunke@atmo.arizona.edu; PAS 566C, 626-7349).
Tuesday and Thursday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
PAS Room 488
Office Hours:
Any time before or after lectures on Tuesday and Thursday
Grading Policy:
For graduates: Homework (30%, two assignments with the lowest scores are excluded for averaging), Project (10%),
and Midterm and Final tests (35% for the higher score and 25% for the other).
For undergraduates: Homework (40%, two assignments with the lowest scores are excluded for averaging), no projects,
and Midterm and Final tests (35% for the higher score and 25% for the other).
Being late (but prior to the distribution of answer sheet) will result in 10% reduction of the score
for each homework assignment, and the score for missing exam(s) will be taken as zero.
Required Textbook:
An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology (James R. Holton, 2004, Elsevier Academic Press, pp. 535)
Class note for each chapter will be provided later.
MATH 223 (Vector Calculus), preferably MATH 254 (Ordinary Differential Equations), PHYS 141/142 or
151/152 (General Physics w/Calculus Applications); ATMO 436A or instructor's permission.
Before lecture: Read the relevant Chapter
During lecture: Actively ask and answer questions
After lecture: Read the relevant Chapter and do homework
Final examination: 10:30am - 12:30 pm, Tuesday (12/11/2012)
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