ATMO 300a General Meteorology - Physical
Study Guide for Exam 2
Source of radiation
- Blackbody radiation
- ideal and non-ideal blackbody radiators
- radiative energy per area per second
- spectrum of radiation
- Wien's law for ideal blackbodies
Radiation after leaving source
- inverse square law
- absorption
- scattering
- solar constant
Beer's law: absorption and single scattering in a gas or cloud
- albedo and tranmitivity and their dependence on cloud thickness
Radiation reaching surface
- How does the absorbed radiation depend on elevation angle and albedo?
Average blackbody temperature of a planet
- average surface temperature of a planet - greenhouse effect with
one layer of atmosphere and n layers of atmosphere
Daily and seasonal changes in radiation
- variation of elevation angle during day
- variation of elevation angle at noon at different seasons and latitude
- variation of day length with latitude and season
- change of sunrise and sunset azimuth angles with latitude and season
- How can you determine latitude from sun's elevation at noon?
- average radiation absorbed at surface during day
- net radiation to surface
Longitude vs local time
- universal time
- How can you measure longitude with a watch?
- time zones