Optional Assignments
assigned Mon. Mar. 20
due Mon. Mar. 27
Fri. Feb. 24
due Fri.
Mar. 3
assigned Mon. Feb. 6
due Mon., Feb. 13
Wed. Jan. 25
Wed. Feb. 1
Copies of the assignment are available in class or at my office
You can earn up to 0.5 points extra credit on each optional assignment.
If you make an honest effort attempt at answering all the questions,
should be able to earn full credit on each assignment. An honest
effort also means having the assignment done before coming to class
turning the assignment in at the beginning of class.
There will be a sufficient number of optional assignments for you to be
able to earn up to 3 points extra credit (the extra credit points are
added to
the average grade computed prior to the final exam).
Note: Only
papers with less than full credit will have a grade marked
(eg. 4/5 means you have earned 0.4 extra credit points out of the 0.5
total points possible). Papers without a grade have earned full
credit (0.5 extra credit points). You may have had points
deducted for turning your assignment in late (there'll be a * or ** by
the grade). Generallly you will be able to earn back these points
if you (1) turn in the next assignment in on time and (2) attach the
paper with the points deducted.
Also note: The fact that
you do not have any answers marked wrong does not
necessarily mean you answered all the questions correctly.
grading load requires that we only look at and grade some of the
questions on the optional assignments. You should carefully
your answers with those on the optional assignment answers handout even
if nothing is marked wrong on your paper.