Textbook Reading Assignments

Date of Assignment
4th Edition
3rd Edition

Fri., Apr. 14
Thunderstorms, Tornadoes, and Lightning
(Ch. 10) pps 257-290
pps 253-285

Wed., Apr. 12
Thermal Circulations
Sea and Land Breezes
Global Winds

(Ch. 7) pps 170-173
pps 181-186

pps 168-171
pps 178-184

up to, but not including, Westerly Winds and the Jet Stream
Fri., Apr. 7
Why  the Wind Blows
Newton's Laws of Motion
Forces that cause winds
pps 150-153
(Ch. 6)
pps 147-151

Mon., Apr. 3
Types of Precipitation
Measuring Precip. (Ch. 5)
pps 127-137
pps 126-135

Fri., Mar. 31
Precipitation Processes (Ch. 5)
pps 121-127
pps 119-126

Satellite Photographs

pps 99-100 in photocopied notes
Mon., Mar. 27
Clouds (Ch. 4)
pps 96-108
pps 93-105

Fri., Mar. 24
Dew, Frost, Fog (Ch. 4)
pps 89-96
pps 86-93
up to, but not including, the section Clouds
Mon., Mar. 20
Humidity (Ch. 4)
pps 78-89
pps 76-86
up to, but not including, the section Dew and Frost
Fri., Mar. 3
Why the Earth has Seasons
pps 42-51
pps 42-50

Fri., Feb. 24
Energy balance cont'd
pps 39-42
pps 39-42
up to, but not including, the section Why the Earth has Seasons.
Wed., Feb. 22
Absorption, emission of radiation
Radiative equilibrium
pps 34-38
pps 34-39

Mon., Feb. 20
Electromagnetic radiation
pps 31-34
pps 31-34

Fri., Feb. 17
Controls of Temperature
pps 63-64
pps 60-62
Chapter 3 (an online version is available if you are purchasing individual chapters as they are needed)
Fri., Feb. 17
Energy, temperature, energy transport
pps 26-30
pps 26-30
beginning of Chapter 2
Wed., Feb. 8
Surface and Upper Air Charts
pps 148-149
pps 146-147
see also pps 115-119 in photocopied notes
Mon., Feb. 6
Weather Symbols and the Station Model
pps 431-432
pps 427-428

Mon., Feb. 6
Weather and Climate
pps 13-22
pps 13-21

Fri., Feb. 3
Stratospheric Ozone and the Ozone Hole
pps 325-327,
p. 330
pps 321-323,
p. 324
up to, but not including, Air Pollution Trends
   and Patterns
Mon., Jan. 30
Atmospheric Pressure
pps 141-148
pps 139-146
up to, but not including, Surface and Upper-Level Charts
Fri., Jan. 20
Vertical Structure of the Atmosphere
pps 8-13
pps 7-12
up to the Brief Review
Wed., Jan. 18
Air Pollutants
pps 317-325
pps 313- 321
up to, but not including, Stratospheric Ozone
Wed., Jan. 11
Composition of the Atmosphere
pps 1-7
pps 1-7
up to the Brief Review on p. 7

Note: begin at the bottom and move upward.  Most recent addition(s) are highlighted in yellow