Experiment #1 - Oxygen content of the air

X Eric Alonge #B5
X Austin Anderson #H
X Ben Audet #43
X Rachel Cahan #41
X Rochelle Calderon #D
X Angela Chu #C9
X Kirsten Conroy #A1
Mike Crane #BB
X Tyler Erickson #C7
Jimmy Flores #57
X Natashia Forsyth #27

X Rahsaan Gethers #C1
X Adam Gurney #BB

X Candace Heidenreich #53

X Dana Jacobs #A3
X Kab-Jin Jang #77
X Yong Hwan Jeong #63
X Courtney Kenihan #79
X Jun Young Kim #B7
X Jaime Knorpel #29
X Sarah Kramer #13
X Seung Yun Lee #C3

X Eric Maier #59 (#A5?)
X Katarina Matic #83
X Meghan McMahon #69
X Hayley Meier #A5 (#59?)
X Alicia Mizrahi #47
X Rafael Morales #81

X Ryan Peiczonka #BB
X Caroline Reyes #J
X Allison Rosenzweig #51
X Sean Sabat #65
Lauren Sandman #17

Justin Stern #61
X Tyler Summerson #C5
Adrian Valdivia #L
X Robert Valenzuela #75
Josh Weis #B1
X Kyle Whidden #45
X Jenna Wilson #55

Materials will be distributed in class on Wed., Jan 18.  You should begin the experiment as soon as you can, it make take several days to collect the data you need.  Once you have collected the data, return you materials and pick up the supplementary information handout.  That will help you with the analysis portion of your report.  Your name will turn blue when you have returned your materials.

Reports are due on Monday Feb. 6 (names in red picked up their materials late and have until Friday Feb. 10 to turn in their reports)

An X in front of your name means I have received your report.  These reports take about 1 week to grade; I hope to be able to return them next Monday (Feb. 13).

Click here to learn about an easy way to remove the steel wool from the graduated cylinder when the experiment is done.